Genine Lentine and Sean Labrador y Manzano
29 MAY 2011 — sunday
Poetry Flash presents a poetry reading by Genine Lentine, Mr. Worthington's Beautiful Experiments on Splashes, and Sean Labrador y Manzano, recently featured in McSweeney's, Diesel, A Bookstore, 5433 College Avenue, Oakland, 3:00 (510/653-9965,; wheelchair accessible, ASL interpreters for the deaf and hearing impaired may be requested a week in advance by email,
More about the readers
Genine Lentine's Mr. Worthington's Beautiful Experiments on Splashes was published in 2010 by New Michigan Press. Another chapbook, Poses: An Essay Drawn from the Model was published in August by the g.e. Series at Books and Bookshelves. The Wild Braid: A Poet Reflects on a Century in the Garden, her collaboration with Stanley Kunitz and photographer Marnie Crawford Samuelson was published by W.W. Norton in 2005. She recently contributed an essay to Rebecca Solnit's Infinite City: A San Francisco Atlas. Ongoing public projects include Listening Booth and The Heinous Task Table, both of which took shape in a 2009 Project Space residency at the Headlands Center for the Arts. She received an MS in Theoretical Linguistics from Georgetown University and an MFA in Poetry from New York University. She teaches an ongoing Sunday Writing Studio and curates the Nothing is Hidden reading series at the San Francisco Zen Center.
Sean Labrador y Manzano is a single father, a poet of postcolonial eroticism, and independent scholar. He believes in poetic justice: that one day soon he can pay all his bills (child support, student loans, credit cards, etc) through writing. In the mean time he ambles from gig to gig to gig. The experience of underemployment compels him to contemplate at wartime cafés (as all cafés are wartime cafés during a time of war) the benefits and contradictions of military reenlistment. His piece, "Conversations at a Wartime Café," is featured on McSweeney's, While employed at various oddjobs, he teaches high school English, History and Government and coordinates the Garden Club. He curates at Bollyhood (3372 19th Street, San Francisco) the monthly San Francisco Bay Area MFA Mixer, bringing in graduate students writers representing the Bay Area's MFA programs. He edits the anthology (series) Conversations at the Wartime Cafe. The first volume, A Decade of War, will be released 9/11/11.
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