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Andy Clausen

Andy Clausen, Bruce Isaacson, and Pamela Twining

9 JULY 2015 — thursday

Poetry Flash presents a reading by Andy Clausen, Bruce Isaacson, and Pamela Twining, hosted by Richard Silberg, request ASL interpreters one week in advance from, wheelchair accessible, Moe's Books, 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (510/849-2087,

Andy Clausen's latest book of poems is Home of the Blues: More Selected Poems. Bob Holman says, "There's an arc of power around these poems. Andy Clausen would be my choice for poet you'd most like to be shipwrecked on a desert island with, no doubt. And not just because his is the Voice Most Likely To Reach Ships Passing Within A Couple Hundred Light Years." Oakland-raised, Clausen co-edited Poems for the Nation with Allen Ginsberg and Eliot Katz, and was an editor at Long Shot magazine. He's traveled the world, done many jobs, and written of his friendships with Ginsberg, Gregory Corso, Ray Bremser, Janine Pommy Vega, and others of the Beat generation.
Bruce Isaacson was one of the key voices and pioneering organizers of Spoken Word in the Bay Area. His recent books include Dumbstruck at the Lights in the Sky, Ghosts Among the Neon, and Bad Dog Blues. Jack Hirschman says, "In a world in which both [the U.S, and Russia] are now utterly capitalized, he gives his realist and inciteful eyes to seeing and revealing how poetry remains the king of affirmation amid devastating negations and the ghosting of the soul." Bruce Isaacson is publisher and editor of Zeitgeist Press, now based in Las Vegas.
Pamela Twining has published several chapbooks, including Utopians & Madmen, I Have Been a River, and A Thousand Years of Wanting. She has also published in literary journals like Big Scream and Maintenant: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing & Art.

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