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Susan Browne

Susan Browne, Catharine Clark-Sayles, Roy Mash, more

19 JULY 2015 — sunday

Poetry Flash presents an installment of the Marin Poetry Center's Traveling Show featuring poets Susan Browne, Catharine Clark-Sayles, Susan Cohen, Roy Mash, Robert Aquinas McNally, and Robert Sward, co-hosted by Rose Black and Richard Silberg, request ASL interpreters one week in advance from, Pegasus Books Downtown, 2349 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, 3:00 (510/649-1320,

Susan Browne's poetry has appeared in Ploughshares, Subtropics, The Mississippi Review, and on Garrison Keillor's radio show The Writer's Almanac. She is the author of Buddha's Dogs and Zephyr, and a word/music CD with poet Kim Addonizio, Swearing, Smoking, Drinking, & Kissing ( Website:
Catharine Clark-Sayles lives in Northern California and practices geriatric medicine. She has two books of poetry, One Breath and Lifeboat, and numerous poems published in medical anthologies and journals. Recent publications include Spillway, Pirene's Fountain,, The Healing Muse, The Midwestern Quarterly, and The Healing Art of Writing vol. 1 and 2.
Susan Cohen is the author of Throat Singing and recent poems in many journals and anthologies, including the Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry. Her second full-length collection has been a finalist for the Philip Levine prize, May Swenson award, Richard Snyder and Melissa Lanitis Gregory Prizes, and is seeking a publisher. She lives in Berkeley.
Roy Mash is a long time board member of Marin Poetry Center. His poems have appeared in AGNI Online, Atlanta Review, Barrow Street, The Evansville Review, Nimrod, Passages North, Poetry East, RHINO, and River Styx among others. His first full-length book is Buyer's Remorse.
Robert Aquinas McNally has published nine nonfiction books, with a tenth on the way, four chapbooks, and the full-length Simply to Know Its Name, winner of the Grayson Books Poetry Prize. His poems have graced a long list of anthologies and journals, and they have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize five times.
Robert Sward is a Guggenheim Fellow chosen by Lucille Clifton to receive a Villa Montalvo Literary Arts Award. His more than twenty books include Four Incarnations, Rosicrucian in the Basement, The Collected Poems, and God is in the Cracks, now in its second printing. His most recent collection, New & Selected Poems, 1957-2012, is from Red Hen Press. He lives in Santa Cruz.

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