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26 MARCH 2022 — saturday
- The Kaplan Center presents Marcia Falk, poet, painter, and Judaic scholar, discussing her new Haggadah, Night of Beginnings: A Passover Haggadah, in conversation with liturgy scholar Eric Caplan, part of the B'Yachad: Reconstructing Judaism Together convention, online via Zoom, ticket prices begin at $72, Noon PDT (Register to attend: na.eventscloud.com/website/23440/agenda)
- Bookshop Santa Cruz presents a reading featuring poets Maggie Paul, Scrimshaw, Borrowed World, Stephen Kessler, Last Call, Garage Ellegies, and Christina Waters, Inside the Flame, co-presented by phren-Z and The Hive Poetry Collective, free, online via Zoom, 4:30 pm PST (Register to attend: www.bookshopsantacruz.com/event/zoom-forward-maggie-paul-stephen-kessler-christina-waters)
- Book Passage presents nonfiction writer and novelist Lee Kravetz, Strange Contagion: Inside the Surprising Science of Infectious Behaviors and Viral Emotions and What They Tell Us About Ourselves, discussing his new novel, The Last Confessions of Sylvia P., a multigenerational story that blends fiction and biography, inspired by the life and work of the poet Sylvia Plath, in conversation with novelist Janis Cooke Newman, A Master Plan for Rescue, free, in-person at Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Boulevard, Corte Madera, 1:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/lee-kravetz-janis-cooke-newman-last-confessions-sylvia-p-corte-madera-store)
- Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore and Gallery presents an evening of art, photography, poetry, and music, featuring artist Joi Ward, short story writer Monica Zarazua, Slide, and poet Christian Martinez, all part of Latitude 37.8, a high school with an emphasis on Project-Based Learning, arts, and technology, Medicine for Nightmares, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, 7:00-9:00 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events/memory-1)
27 MARCH 2022 — sunday
- The Richmond Literary Arts Center presents a Truchas Gathering of Poets, featuring readings by Robin S. Chapman, The Only Home We Know, Susan Sonde, In the Longboats with Others, and Abegunde, facilitated by Rob Lipton, free, with donations welcome, this reading will raise money for writers in Odessa, Ukraine, online via Zoom, Noon PDT (RSVP to attend: us02web.zoom.us/j/84386746223?pwd=RFFjNko1c1dzZ3laSWdreE5LbGxZdz09)
- The Claremont Library's Fourth Sundays Reading Series features poets Tim Hatch, Wild Embrace, and Hari B., She Speaks to the Birds at Night While They Sleep, in-person event, Louise Roberts Room, Guild Hall, at the Claremont United Church of Christ, 233 W. Harrison Avenue, Claremont, 2:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.facebook.com/fourthsundayspoetry)
- Bird & Beckett Books and Records presents a reading in celebration of the posthumous publication of Rock Tao by David Meltzer, featuring poets Julie Rogers, Marina Lazzara, Micah Ballard, Garrett Caples, Neeli Cherkovski, Gene Berson, Agneta Falk Hirschman, Sarah Menefee, and Genny Lim, in-person, Bird & Beckett, 653 Chenery Street, San Francisco, free, 2:00 pm PDT (More information here: birdbeckett.com/rock-tao-3-27-22)
28 MARCH 2022 — monday
29 MARCH 2022 — tuesday
- City Lights Books presents Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Rae Armantrout, Wobble, Entanglements, reading from and discussing her latest book, Finalists, which includes Armantrout's two most recent projects combined in one book, including the long form poem Threat Landscape, in conversation with poet and translator Lyn Hejinian, My Life, free, online via Zoom, 6:00 pm PST (Register to attend: citylights.com/events)
- Join poet and radio host Jack Foley, along with Nina Serrano, Jovelyn Richards, and Jennifer Stone, for a weekly celebration of poetry and prose; this week with a tribute to the late poet Robert Sward (1933-2022), author of Uncle Dog & Other Poems, God is in the Cracks, and more, available to listen to online 94.1 KPFA, free, 2:00 pm PDT (Listen here: kpfa.org/program/cover-to-cover)
30 MARCH 2022 — wednesday
- Diesel, A Bookstore presents a talk by Kenneth Kales, founder and publisher of Kales Press, for "How Publishing Works for Independent Publishers," including discussion on the book In the Shadows of Paris: The Nazi Concentration Camp That Dimmed the City of Light by Anne Sinclair, a finalist for the 2021 National Jewish Book Award for Nonfiction, in conversation with John Evans of Diesel, A Bookstore, online, free, 4:00-5:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.dieselbookstore.com/event/kale-2022)
- The Center for the Art of Translation presents Spanish poet Elena Medel, My First Bikini, discussing her debut novel, The Wonders, in conversation with translator Lizzie Davis and writer Anna Solomon, online, free, 4:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.catranslation.org/events)
31 MARCH 2022 — thursday
- Writers Read presents Ukiah poet Mark McGovern, When My Hat, Loose Dogs on the Freeway, with open mic to follow, free, with suggested donation of $5, in-person, Grace Hudson Museum, 431 South Main Street, Ukiah, 7:00 pm PDT
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