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2 MAY 2022 — monday
- Vroman's Bookstore presents novelist Douglas Stuart, author of Shuggie Bain, winner of the 2020 Booker Prize, readding from his new book, Young Mungo, All Saints Church, 132 N Euclid Avenue, Pasadena, $5 general admission, $30 includes a copy of the book, 7:00 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here: www.vromansbookstore.com/douglas-stuart-discusses-young-mungo)
- Rivertown Poets presents a reading featuring poets Karen Marker and jori marie rillera, with open mic to follow, hosted by poet Sande Anfang, online via Zoom, free, 6:15 pm PDT (RSVP to attend/sign up for the open mic: www.facebook.com/RivertownPoetsAMuseingMondays)
- The final day to apply for the Napa Valley Writers' Conference is May 2, the conference offers workshops in poetry, fiction, and translation, lectures, and readings; the conference will be held July 24-29, led by faculty members Jane Hirshfield, Major Jackson, Dana Levine, and Patricia Smith for poetry; Kevin Brockmeier, Lan Samantha Chang, Michelle Huneven, and ZZ Packer; applicants will be notified of acceptance the first week of June, tuition is $1,100, some financial assistance is available, on the campus of Napa Valley College, Napa (Apply here: www.napawritersconference.org)
3 MAY 2022 — tuesday
4 MAY 2022 — wednesday
- The Center for Literary Arts of San José presents Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Viet Thanh Nguyen reading from The Committed, a blistering portrayal of commitment and betrayal, Student Union Theater, One Washington Square Student Union Building, San José, free, 7:00 pm PDT (For more information: www.clasanjose.org)
- Vroman's Bookstore presents novelist Kyung-Sook Shin, Please Look After Mom, discussing her new book, Violets, about a young girl stumbling through life in 1990s South Korea, in conversation with novelist Crystal Hana Kim, If You Leave Me, online, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.vromansbookstore.com/vromans-live-presents-kyung-sook-shim-in-conversation-with-crystal-hana-kim-discusses-violets)
5 MAY 2022 — thursday
- The Occidental Center for the Arts presents poet, novelist, and essayist Andrei Codrescu, author of over fifty books, including License To Carry a Gun, The Art of Forgetting, and many more, reading and discussing his work, in person, Occidental Center for the Arts, 3850 Doris Murphy Way, Occidental, $20 for members, $25 general admission, 7:00 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here: www.occidentalcenterforthearts.org/upcoming-events)
- Beast Crawl Literary Festival presents Crawl Stars, their 2022 Fundraiser Event, on Zoom, celebrating ten years of Beast Crawl, featuring Kim Shuck, Ayodele Nzinga, Kae Folk, MK Chavez, Maw Shein Win, Keith Donnell, Jr., and Cassandra Dallett, hosted by Nazelah Jamison, 6:30 pm PDT (More information here: www.beastcrawl.org/festival-info.html)
- Bird & Beckett presents bookseller and poet Beau Beausoleil, Concealed in Language, reading poems in response to Russia's war on Ukraine, from his collection, In Ukraine: Poems, Bird & Beckett Books and Records, 653 Chenery Street, San Francisco, free, 6:00 pm PDT (More information here: birdbeckett.com)
- Bird & Beckett presents a reading by poets Sarah Menefee, Human Star, CEMENT, and D L Forbes, Life Threatening Poetry Across America: One Hundred One Dollar Poems, followed by an open mic, hosted by Jerry Ferraz and Michael Koch, Bird & Beckett Books and Records, 653 Chenery Street, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: birdbeckett.com)
- The Poetry Center presents the New Voice Series, featuring poet and Spanish interpreter Raul Ruiz, Mustard, reading along with two student poets from San Francisco State, The Poetry Center, Humanities 512, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00-8:30 pm PDT (Register to attend: poetry.sfsu.edu/new-voice-series-featuring-raul-ruiz-and-others-tba)
- Small Press Traffic presents "Migrant Futures: Undocumented Poets in Writing and Performance," a reading and conversation with poets Jennif(f)er Tamayo, [Red Missed Arches, Read Mistakes, Red Mistakes, Read Missed Arches], Aline Mello, More Salt Than Diamond, and Alan Pelaez Lopez, to love and mourn in the age of displacement, hosted by Javier O. Huerta, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore and Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.smallpresstraffic.org/upcomingevents/migrantfutures)
6 MAY 2022 — friday
- Small Press Traffic presents "Migrant Futures: Undocumented Poets in Writing and Performance," a reading and conversation with poets Javier Zamora, Solito, Gladys Wangeci Gitau-Damaskos, there's the truth then there are other things, and Yosimar Reyes, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore and Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.smallpresstraffic.org/upcomingevents/migrantfutures)
7 MAY 2022 — saturday
- Bay Area Book Festival's Poets on the Plaza presents a day of readings, 11:00: Unole-"Breath" Native Women Drum Circle; 11:10: Alison Hart, Mostly White; 11:20: Nanette Deetz, Red Road; 11:30: Dave Holt, Red Road; 11:40: Unole-Breath Native Women Drum Circle; 11:50: Sarah Kobrinsky, Emeryville Poet Laureate emeritus; Noon: Luisa Giulianetti; 12:10: Caroline Goodwin, San Mateo Poet Laureate emeritus; 12:20: Lucille Lang Day; 12:30: Meryl Natchez, Catwalk; 12:40: Susan Cohen, A Different Wakeful Animal; 12:50: Lisa Rosenberg, A Different Physics; 1:00: Carol Dorf; 1:10: Avotcja; 1:20: Hans Kolbe, cellist; 1:30: Heather Bourbeau; 1:40: California Jazz Conservatory; 2:00: Richard Loranger, Be a Bough Tit; 2:10: Fred Dodsworth; 2:20: Kathleen McClung, A Juror Must Fold in on Herself; 2:30: Andrena Zawinski, Landings; 2:40: Cassandra Dallett, Collapse; 2:50: Donté Clark, Richmond Poet Laureate emeritus; Under 20 Slam follows, featuring Brennan "B Deep" DeFrisco; "Fred Dodsworth Presents," BART Plaza, Shattuck Avenue, downtown Berkeley, free, 11:00 am-4:00 pm PDT (www.baybookfest.org)
- The Bay Area Book Festival is back in person in downtown Berkeley, come see author talks and book signings, and a host of exhibitors including independent bookstores, publishers, and other literary vendors, Poetry Flash and Manic D Press will exhibit, Poets on the Plaza program will be featured at BART Plaza on Shattuck Avenue; all outdoor events are free, tickets for indoor events can be purchased individually or with a general wristband for all events, $15 general wristband, $12 per individual event, the outdoor book fair exhibits are completely free, Martin Luther King, Jr. Civic Center Park in downtown Berkeley, 11:00 am-9:00 pm PDT (Check out the complete schedule here: www.baybookfest.org)
- The San Francisco International Arts Festival presents a reading with poets Matt Sedillo, Mowing Leaves of Grass, City on the Second Floor, and James Cagney, Black Steel Magnolias in the Hour of Chaos Theory, part of The Last Supper Party reading series, every first Saturday of the month, curated by Kimi Sugioka, Alameda Poet Laureate, free, in person, San Francisco International Arts Festival, 1222 Sutter Street, San Francisco, 7:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.sfiaf.org/last_supper_opening)
- Bay Area Book Festival presents "Relationships, Reckonings & Remembrances: A Reading by Three California Poets," featuring Mai Der Vang, Yellow Rain, Amanda Moore, Requeening, and Christine No, Whatever Love Means, followed by a Q&A, hosted by El Cerrito's inaugural Poet Laureate Maw Shein Win, Storage Unit for the Spirit House, in person, The Marsh Berkeley Cabaret, 2120 Allston Way, Berkeley, $12, 1:00-2:00 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here: www.baybookfest.org/session/relationships-reckoning)
- Las Positas College presents the annual Literary Arts Festival, a full day of literary panels and workshops with award-winning authors, music, and kids story times, including "Life and Times: How Memoir and History Intersect," with Tamim Ansary, "The Landscape of War: Love and Loss," with Brian Turner, "Inclusive Characterization: Writing "the other" without Stereotypes and Appropriation," with Michelle Cruz Gonzales, plus a "Poetry Slam Workshop" with Bri and Tri, and more, in person at Mertes Center for the Arts, Building 4000, Lot A, Las Positas College, 3000 Campus Hill Drive, Livermore, free, 9:30 am-8:30 pm PDT (Register to attend, and view the full line-up here: www.laspositascollege.edu/literary-festival/index.php)
8 MAY 2022 — sunday
- Bay Area Book Festival's Poets on the Plaza presents a day of readings, 11:00: Anita May; 11:10: Dee Allen, Rusty Gallows & Plans; 11:20: Claire Heinzelman, Through a Glass Darkly; 11:20: Marty Stoddard, Maureen Fitzgerald, Barbara O'Reilly, and Maggie Paul of T.A.G.D.; Noon: Tony Aldarondo; 12:10: Ruth Crossman; 12:20: Sande Anfang, Xylem Highway; 12:30: California Jazz Conservatory Quartet; 12:50: Katherine Harer, Jazz & Other Hot Subjects; 1:00: Kevin Dublin; 1:10: Terry Adams, Adams Ribs; 1:20: Karla Brundage, Mulatta, Not So Tragic; 1:30: Sara Biel, Colossus Home, Colossus Freedom; 1:40: Cassandra Dallett, Colossus Freedom; 1:50: Daphne Gottlieb, Saint 1001; 2:00: Tureeda Mikell, Synchronicity: The Oracle of Sun Medicine; 2:10: Rebecca Lee; 2:20: Shikha Malaviya, Geography of Tongues; 2:30: Tom Stanton, Benicia Poet Laureate emeritus; 2:40: D.L. Lang, Vallejo Poet Laureate emeritus; 2:50: Josiah Luis Alderete; All Ages Slam follows, featuring Milani Pelley; "Fred Dodsworth Presents," BART Plaza, Shattuck Avenue, downtown Berkeley, free, 11:00 am-4:00 pm PDT (www.baybookfest.org)
- The Bay Area Book Festival is back in person in downtown Berkeley, come see author talks and book signings, and a host of exhibitors including independent bookstores, publishers, and other literary vendors, Poetry Flash and Manic D Presss will exhibit, Poets on the Plaza program will be featured at BART Plaza on Shattuck Avenue; all outdoor events are free, tickets for indoor events can be purchased individually or with a general wristband for all events, $15 general wristband, $12 per individual event, the outdoor book fair exhibits are completely free, Martin Luther King, Jr. Civic Center Park in downtown Berkeley, 11:00 am-9:00 pm PDT (Check out the complete schedule here: www.baybookfest.org)
- The Monterey Bay Poetry Consortium presents a reading with poets Andrew Fague and Stan Rushworth, Going to Water: The Journal of Beginning Rain, online via Zoom, free, 2:00 pm PDT (Email: jfellguth@sbcglobal.net to receive the Zoom link)
9 MAY 2022 — monday
- Odd Mondays Reading Series celebrates spring with these fiction writers, Leslie Kirk Campbell, The Man With Eight Pairs of Legs, Mimi Lok, Last of Her Name, and Toni Mirosevich, Spell Heaven, joined by poet Karen Melander Magoon, Footsteps Whispering, online, free, 7:00-8:00 pm PDT (Email: oddmondaysnoevalley@gmail.com for the Zoom link; more information here: www.facebook.com/OddMondays)
10 MAY 2022 — tuesday
- Coastside Poetry presents a reading featuring Indigo Moor, Poet Laureate emeritus of Sacramento, author of Everybody's Jonesin' for Something, Through the Stonecutter's Window, followed by an open mic, spoken poetry only, three-minutes per reader, online via Zoom, free, 6:00-8:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: coastsidepoetry.org/current-features)
- Cobalt Poets presents a reading featuring acclaimed apoet and spoken word artist Patricia Smith, Incendiary Art, Shoulda Been Jimi Savannah, with open mic to follow, online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/calendar.html)
11 MAY 2022 — wednesday
- City Lights Books presents fiction writer and poet Barry Gifford, Roy's World, Wild At Heart, celebrating the launch of his new collection, How Chet Baker Died: Poems, online, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: citylights.com/events/barry-gifford)
- An evening of afrofuturism and afrosurreal poetry and prose, featuring Oakland Poet Laureate Ayodele Nzinga, SorrowLand Oracle, and poets James Cagney, Black Steel Magnolias in the Hour of Chaos Theory, Audrey Williams, Alijah Leach, Karla Brundage, Swallowing Watermelons, Tureeda Mikell, Synchronicity: The Oracle of Sun Medicine, and adrienne danyelle oliver, the body has memories, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore and Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, 6:30-8:00 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
12 MAY 2022 — thursday
- Wet Cement Press presents poet Merle Bachman, reading and discussing her new memoir, Thank You For Being, a nuanced and warm account of the journey of being a poet and a woman, Live Worms Gallery, 1345 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.facebook.com/events/734897881252893)
- The Mechanics' Institute presents Greg Sarris, novelist and Chairman of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, discussing his new memoir, Becoming Story: A Journey among Seasons, Places, Trees, and Ancestors, in conversation with short story writer Jane Ciabattari, Stealing the Fire, co-sponsored by Heyday Books and California Institute of Culture, Art & Nature, in the 4th Floor Meeting Room at Mechanics' Institute, 57 Post Street, San Francisco, free for members/public sliding scale of $5-$10, 5:30 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.milibrary.org/events/becoming-story-journey-among-seasons-places-trees-and-ancestors-onsite-mechanics-institute)
- The San Francisco Public Library presents Kim Shuck's Poem Jam, a monthly reading led by San Francisco Poet Laureate emerita Kim Shuck, Exile Heart, this month features poet and editor Bobby Coleman, reading from Light on the Walls of Life, his forthcoming tribute anthology to Lawrence Ferlinghetti, in person, Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A, San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, free, 6:00-7:15 pm PDT (More information here: sfpl.org/events/2022/05/12/performance-kim-shucks-poem-jam)
13 MAY 2022 — friday
- Community of Writers presents the weekend intensive workshop "Point of View," led by best-selling novelist Janet Fitch, White Oleander, The Revolution of Marina M., attendees will explore writing from various points of view and how it affects the story, online via Zoom, $330, early bird tuition $280 (register by April 30), five two-hour sessions: 5:00-7:00 pm PDT on Friday; twice on Saturday, 10:00 am-Noon PDT and 5:00-7:00 pm PDT; and twice on Sunday, 10:00 am-Noon PDT and 5:00-7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: communityofwriters.org/events/event/point-of-view)
- Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents a reading in celebration of The Stan Poems: Indictments & Amendments by Linda Ravenswood, who will be joined by poets and musicians, including Mike Sonksen, Cassandra Dallet, Collapse, Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, Natasha Dennerstein, Cassandra Rockwood Ghanem, Bernadette McComish, Colleen McKee, My Hot Little Tomato, and Rick Lupert, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 8:00-10:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
- The Santa Paula Art Museum presents Write Night, an evening of creative writing inspired by the art hanging in the museum's galleries, come to write, reflect, and socialize with others, hosted by Poet Laureate emeritus of Ventura County Mary Kay Rummel, Nocturnes: Between Flesh and Stone, and local author Anita McLaughlin, refreshments will be provided, Santa Paula Art Museum, 117 N. 10th Street, Santa Paula, free, 6:00 pm PDT
14 MAY 2022 — saturday
- Writers With Drinks presents a reading featuring fiction writer and essayist Jaime Cortez, Gordo, novelist Shanthi Sekaran, Lucky Boy, poet Josiah Luis Alderete, Baby Axolotl & Old Pochos, and more readers TBA, all proceeds will benefit the campaign against recalling San Francisco district attorney Chesa Boudin, The Make Out Room, 3225 22nd Street, San Francisco, $5 to $20 sliding scale, 7:30-9:30 pm PDT (More information here: www.writerswithdrinks.com)
- Sacramento Poetry Alliance presents a reading with poets Jon Davis, An Amiable Reception for the Acrobat, and Greg Glazner, Singularity, From the Iron Chair, online via Zoom, free, 7:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.sacramentopoetryalliance.com)
- The Poetry Center presents a memorial reading celebrating the life and work of poet, essayist, and visual artist Etel Adnan (1925-2021), featuring six guest artists and writers, both those who knew her personally and others who were influenced by her work, Zaina Alsous, David Buuck, Naz Cuguoğlu, Fady Joudah, Stefania Pandolfo, and Camille Roy, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore & Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, Noon-2:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: poetry.sfsu.edu/etel-adnan-memorial-tribute-zaina-alsous-david-buuck-naz-cuguoglu-fady-joudah-stefania-pandolfo)
- Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents poet Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, reading from and discussing her new book, Look at This Blue, in conversation with poet and literary activist Shonda Buchanan, Black Indian, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 7:00-9:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
- Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents a poetry performance workshop led by Mary Lou Newmark, attendees will learn tips and tricks for performing their own poetry and reading their work aloud, bring your own poems to practice and receive feedback, please submit one poem to info@beyondbaroque.org for the reading notes, $65 for members, $75 general admission, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, 11:00 am-2:30 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here: www.eventbrite.com/e/poetry-performance-with-mary-lou-newmark-tickets-313779812867?aff=ebdsoporgprofile)
- San Diego Writers, Ink, presents a monthly poetry reading and critique, led by poet Tania Pryputniewicz, November Butterfly; attendees will write together at the beginning of the session, and offer feedback to one another on the poems they bring in, a workshop to improve your writing and gently hold one another accountable for continuing your craft, meets on the second Saturday of each month, online, $36 for members, $42 for nonmembers, 10:00 am-Noon PDT (Register to attend: www.sandiegowriters.org/second-saturdays-poetry-draft-craft-submit)
15 MAY 2022 — sunday
- Blue Light Press presents Blue Light at the Gallery, featuring poets KB Ballentine, Edge of the Echo, Bill Graeser, Fire in a Nutshell, Rushing is a Waste of Time, and Helga Kidder, Loving the Dead, winner of the 2020 Blue Lights Press Book Award, online via Zoom, free, 4:00 pm PDT (RSVP to bluelightpress@aol.com for the Zoom link)
- Second Sunday Poetry Series presents a reading with poet George Lober, Shift of Light, poet and novelist Barbara Quick, Vivaldi's Virgins, The Light on Sifnos, winner of the 2020 Blue Light Press Poetry Prize, and poet and editor Raegen Pietrucha, An Animal I Can't Name, Head of a Gorgon, online via Zoom, free, 3:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: bit.ly/3xncn0s)
- Omnidawn Publishing, along with The Booksmith and The Bindery, present their 2022 Spring Book Launch, celebrating new titles published by Omnidawn, each author will read from their new work, featuring Steven Seidenberg, Anon, Mary G. Wilson, Both, Apollo, Sylvain Gallais and Cynthia Hogue, translators of Distantly by Nicole Brossard, Brandan Griffin, Impastoral, Steven Rood, Naming the Wind, and Martha Ronk, The Place One Is, online, free, 1:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: app.gopassage.com/events/omnidawn-spring-2022/event_times/1080201)
- Second Sundays Reading Series presents a reading by Barbara Quick, What Disappears, George Lober, A Bridge to There, and Raegen Pietrucha, Head of a Gorgon, online, free, 3:00 pm PDT (secondsundayreadings.com)
- Come join this joint launch event with Doreen Stock and Marcelo Holot, celebrating two new titles, Your Excellency Free Will, poems translated from the Spanish of Amparo Cassasbellas Alconada, translated by Doreen Stock with Marcelo Holot, and A Noise in the Garden, a collection of poems by Doreen Stock, online via Zoom, free, 2:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: us02web.zoom.us/j/81412489961)
- Come join the Summer Writing Walk on Sonoma State University's 3,570-acre Galbreath Wildlands Preserve, led by artist and poet Patti Trimble, participants will walk and write short pieces, with a focus on responding to observations in nature, Galbreath Wildlands Preserve, Sonoma, free, 10:00 am-2:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: cei.sonoma.edu/summer-writing-walk)
- We Rise 2022: Bridging Wellness presents the workshop "Word Women: A Hop, Skip, & A Jump: Moving From Trauma to Art," led by poet Ja'net Danielo, The Song of Our Disappearing, winner of the Paper Nautilus 2020 Debut Series Chapbook Contest, attendees of the workshop will learn techniques for improving their poetry and focus on creating art from trauma as a radical act of healing, all women-identifying and gender nonbinary folks are welcome, online via Zoom, free, 11:00 am-2:30 pm PDT (Register to attend: cerritos-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0odOipqTMvEtbfR3DOhTvBv6ae95e_hRwV)
16 MAY 2022 — monday
- Books Inc. presents best-selling novelist Christopher Moore, celebrating the launch of his new book, Razzmatazz, a thrilling follow-up to his novel Noir, Books Inc. Opera Plaza, 601 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, free, signed copies of the book available for $31.50, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.booksinc.net/event/christopher-moore-books-inc-opera-plaza)
17 MAY 2022 — tuesday
- The Center for Literary Arts of San José celebrates the end of their 2021-22 season with a reading by playwright and fiction writer Aamina Ahmad, The Dishonoured, discussing her debut novel, The Return of Faraz Ali, a multi-generational family saga about a man who returns to his hometown in Pakistan to cover up a murder, online via Zoom, free, 7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: sjsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtc-6prjssGtMAEJLX_sYa93RljRTZ46dW)
- Booksoup presents fiction writer Chelsea Bieker, Godshot, discussing her latest book, Heartbroke, a poignant collection of stories of longing and abandonment in California's Central Valley, in conversation with novelist Stephanie Danler, Sweetbitter, Booksoup, 8818 Sunset Boulevard, West Hollywood, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.booksoup.com/event/chelsea-bieker-conversation-stephanie-danler-discusses-heartbroke)
- Join poet and radio host Jack Foley, along with Nina Serrano, Jovelyn Richards, and Jennifer Stone, for a weekly celebration of poetry and prose, featuring discussions and tributes to a variety of authors, available to listen on 94.1, KPFA FM, 2:00 pm PDT (Listen here: kpfa.org/program/cover-to-cover/)
- Cobalt Poets presents a poetry reading featuring Unmesh Mohitkar, with open mic to follow, online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/calendar.html)
- Vroman's Bookstore presents novelist Rachel M. Harper, reading from her new book, The Other Mother, on a young man's unraveling of family secrets and revelations, amidst the intersections of class, race, and sexuality, Vroman's Bookstore, 695 E. Colorado Street, Pasadena, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.vromansbookstore.com/rachel-m-harper-discusses-the-other-mother)
18 MAY 2022 — wednesday
- City Lights Books presents novelist Gabriela Alemán, La muerte silba un blues, Poso Wells, reading from her latest collection of short stories, Family Album, published by City Lights Books, free, online via Zoom, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: citylights.com/events)
- Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents a reading by California Youth Poets Laureate, featuring Ella Wen, Zoya Ahmed, Zoe Dorado, Anna Yang, Genesis Perez, Madeleine Hur, Chloe Chou, Tina Mai, Sidney Regelbrugge, Adriana Avalos, Madeline Miller, and Kundai Chikowero, representing regions from all over the state, online via Zoom, free, 6:00-7:30 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
19 MAY 2022 — thursday
- Point Arena Third Thursday Reading Series presents Dan Brady, San Francisco-based poet and current host of Sacred Ground, the longest-running poetry open mic known, the reading will begin with live improv jazz, and will be followed by an open mic, a hybrid event both in person at Arena Market Café, 185 Main Street, Point Arena, and online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PDT (Zoom link here: us02web.zoom.us/j/85881482990?pwd=L0NjNUhpeU5aeEdhVzRTVy9rUjIxUT09)
- Come join the Poetry Night Reading Series at John Natsoulas Gallery, held every first and third Thursday of the month, with readings by featured authors, followed by an open mic, bring your poems, short stories, and songs to share, or come to listen, limit five-minutes per performance, hosted by Davis Poet Laureate Dr. Andy Jones, John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 First Street, Davis, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.natsoulas.com/poetry-night)
- City Lights Books presents poets Barbara Jane Reyes and Rajiv Mohabir, reading and discussing their new books, Wanna Peak Into My Notebook?: Notes on Pinay Liminality and Antiman: A Hybrid Memoir, respectively, in honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: citylights.com/events/hybrid-liminal-diaspore-barbara-jane-reyes-and-rajiv-mohabir)
20 MAY 2022 — friday
- Small Press Traffic presents a reading with artist and poet Leena Joshi and Sophia Dahlin, Natch, with an introduction by Claire Grossman, in person, Small Press Traffic, 2727 California Street, Berkeley, free, 7:30 pm PDT (More information here: www.smallpresstraffic.org/upcomingevents/leena-joshi-sophia-dahlin)
- Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents the reading "Married to the Word," featuring L.A.'s literary couple Lou Mathews, Just Like James, L.A. Breakdown, and Alison Turner, The Second Split Between, winner of the 2021 Catamaran Poetry Prize for West Coast Poets, with an introduction by poet Suzanne Lummis, Open 24 Hours, in person, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 8:00-10:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
- Medicine for Nightmares celebrates the release of the Nomadic Press tarot deck, Tarot En Pandemia Y Revolution, with readings and performances by poet and musician Anais Azul, poets MK Chavez, Dear Animal, and Alejandro Murguía, Stray Poems, painter Malik Seneferu, and artist and poet Adrian Arias, the creator of the tarot, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore and Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, 7:00-8:55 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
21 MAY 2022 — saturday
- Tía Chucha's Centro Cultural and Bookstore presents the 17th annual Celebrating Words Festival, a free event of live music and poetry, art workshops, and book giveaways, celebrating creativity and literacy in an accessible and dynamic space, Vaughn G3 Academy, 11200 Herrick Avenue, Pacoima, free, 2:00-7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.tiachucha.org/celebrating_words_festival)
- The Ina Coolbrith Circle presents a talk on the life and work of medieval poet Marie de France, led by translator and poet Dorothy Gilbert, Marie de France: Poetry, translations, Fox Woman, poems, followed by an open mic reading, first come, first read, online via Zoom, free, 2:00 pm PDT (Email: deborahbschmidt@gmail.com to sign up for the open mic; RSVP to attend: www.coolpoetry.org/meetings.html)
- Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents tattoo artist and graphic novelist James Spooner, celebrating the launch of The High Desert: Black. Punk. Nowhere, a coming-of-age graphic memoir, in conversation with author Jim Ruland, Corporate Rock Sucks: The Rise and Fall of SST Records, with a music performance by L.A. punk bands The Tissues and Dangers, and a mini-zine fest, featuring Razorcake Zine, Arantza Peña Popo, Matthew Saldivar, Drifter Zine, and more TBA, in person, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, $15, doors open 4:30 pm, mini-zine fest at 5:00 pm, reading begins at 7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
- Richmond Literary Arts Center presents a poetry reading by Rosanna Warren, author of six books including So Forth and Ghost in a Red Hat and recipient of awards from the Academy of American Poets and Guggenheim Foundation, and Fred Marchant, Said Not Said, recognized as an "Honors Book" by the Massachusetts Book Awards, online via Zoom, donations welcome, free, Noon PDT (Zoom link: us02web.zoom.us/j/86411643471?pwd=WXNYSlhYN3hERFhKek9GU3Fvd0l1dz09)
22 MAY 2022 — sunday
- Book Passage presents a reading in celebration of the best student poets in Marin County, hosted by California Poets in the Schools and poets Meg Hamill and Michele Rivers, in person, Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, outdoor seating for 100 people, free, 2:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.bookpassage.com/event/marin-poets-schools-reading-corte-madera-store-0)
- Skylight Books celebrates new publications from Red Hen Press, featuring poet Jenny Qi, Focal Point, novelist Lily Hoang, Underneath, and short story writer Pete Hsu, If I Were the Ocean, I'd Carry You Home, in person, Skylight Books, 1818 N. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, 5:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.skylightbooks.com/event/skylight-red-hen-press-presents-jenny-qi-lily-hoang-and-pete-hsu)
- Poetry Flash presents a reading by D. Nurkse, A Country of Strangers: New and Selected Poems, and Erin Rodoni, And If the Woods Carry You, online via Zoom, free, 3:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: please click here; you will receive an email with a link to join the reading)
- Come join the Desert Split Open Mic, a reading at Joshua Tree featuring feminist, queer, and radical spoken word performances, everyone is welcome to share their poetry and prose, or just come to listen, limited to six minutes per reader, The Pavilion, Joshua Tree Lake RV & Campground, 2601 Sunfair Road, Joshua Tree, free, sign-ups begin at 3:45 pm, open mic begins at 4:00-6:00 pm PDT (More information here: susanrukeyser.com/the-desert-split-open)
23 MAY 2022 — monday
24 MAY 2022 — tuesday
- Join poet and radio host Jack Foley, along with Nina Serrano, Jovelyn Richards, and Jennifer Stone, for a weekly celebration of poetry and prose, featuring discussions and tributes to a variety of authors, available to listen on 94.1, KPFA FM, 2:00 pm PDT (Listen here: kpfa.org/program/cover-to-cover/)
- Poetic License Sonoma presents a poetry reading featuring the eight poets Joseph Cutler, Susanne Arrhenius, Paul DeMarco, Leo McCloskey, Steve Trenam, Judith Vaughn, Jaime Zukowski, and Kusum Irene Jain, with special guest poet Terry Ehret, founding editor of Sixteen Rivers Press and Poet Laureate emeritus of Sonoma County, author of Night Sky Journey, Lucky Break, and more, with guest student poet Joan Osterman, the reading will explore the theme "Relationships," part of the Fourth Tuesday Zoom Poetry Series hosted by the Sebastopol Center for the Arts, Sebastopol Center for the Arts, 282 South High Street, Sebastopol, $5, donations welcome, 7:00-8:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.sebarts.org/classes-lectures/poetic-license-sonoma-ehret-052422)
- Kepler's Literary Foundation presents Greg Sarris, novelist and Chairman of the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, discussing his new memoir, Becoming Story: A Journey among Seasons, Places, Trees, and Ancestors, an intimate look at personal and collective trauma and what it means to connect with the place where you live, in conversation with novelist Ingrid Rojas Contreras, Fruit of the Drunken Tree, donations welcome, online, free, 6:00-7:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.keplers.org/upcoming-events-internal/greg-sarris)
25 MAY 2022 — wednesday
- City Lights Books celebrates the publication of The Letters of Thom Gunn, by poet August Kleinzahler, the first complete portrait of the life and work of the legendary British-Berkeley poet Thom Gunn (1929-2004), author of Boss Cupid, The Man with Night Sweats, and more, online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: citylights.com/events)
- Green Apple Books presents poet and short story writer Toni Mirosevich, Pink Harvest, celebrating her new collection, Spell Heaven, in conversation with poet Frances Phillips, Up at Two, Green Apple Books, 1231 9th Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.greenapplebooks.com/event/9th-ave-toni-mirosevich-frances-phillips)
26 MAY 2022 — thursday
- Literary Death Match returns to San Francisco with a live performance, part literary event, part comedy show, part game show, featuring physician and writer Tauheed Zaman, journalist and novelist Vanessa Hua, Forbidden City, short story writer Kate Folk, Out There, and musician and writer Matt Carney, the four writers will compete in a read-off critiqued by three judges, followed by a slapstick performance to decide the champion, hosted by Adrian Todd Zuniga, creator of Literary Death Match and author of the novel Collison Theory, Elbo Room, 647 Valencia Street, San Francisco, $10, 7:15-9:00 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/literary-death-match-sf-ep-70-feat-vanessa-hua-kate-folk-tickets-314024595017)
- Rivertown Poets presents a special pop-up reading featuring poets Edward Mycue, Because We Speak the Same Language, Antoinette Vella Payne, Amos White, The Sound of the Web, and Phynne~Belle, followed by an open mic reading, three-minutes per reader, first come, first to read, hosted by poet Sande Anfang, online via Zoom, free, 7:00-9:00 pm PDT (RSVP to attend: www.facebook.com/RivertownPoetsAMuseingMondays)
- You're Going to Die presents the open mic "Poetry, Prose, and Everything Goes," a communal offering to explore the conversation about death, to honor those we've lost, and celebrate being alive; come to perform or to listen, featuring poetry and prose readings, musical performances, and more, The Lost Church, 427 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, $12/donations welcome, doors at 7:30 pm, event runs 8:15-10:30 pm PDT (More informattion here: www.facebook.com/events/599764114683451)
- Books and Letters Bookstore presents Roberta Llewellyn, reading from her memoir, Lost Angels Coming Home, a rich telling of her life, living in Northern California for many decades, Books and Letters Bookstore, 1405 Armstrong Woods Road, Guerneville, free, 11:00 am PDT
- Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents a reading by the graduating poets of the UCLA community, featuring Tara Bucoy-McNeely, Corinne Chapkis, Destiny Diaz, Alexandra Geurts, Elana Luo, Georgie McKeon, Selena Perez, Aidan Thompson, and Alice Zheng, introduced by Karen Kevorkian and Reed Wilson; come for a diverse selection showcasing the wonderful work of UCLA poetry concentration graduates, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 8:00-10:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.eventbrite.com/e/ucla-graduating-poets-reading-tickets-333051906217?aff=ebdsoporgprofile)
- The UCSC Literature Department and Creative Writing Program present artist and poet Gina Athena Ulysse, Because When God is Too Busy: Haiti, Me, & the World, part of the Living Writers Series Spring 2022: Celebrant: Sound Actions, a showcase of interdisciplinary writers exploring the relationship of sound and verbal language, co-sponsored by Bookshop Santa Cruz, at the Humanities Lecture Hall, UC Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, free, 5:15 pm PDT (Register to attend: creativewriting.ucsc.edu/news-events/living-writers-series/index.html)
- Writers Read presents poet Michael Riedell, The Way of Water, Small Talk & Long Silences, followed by an open mic reading, Grace Hudson Museum & Sun House, 431 South Main Street, Ukiah, free, 7:00-9:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.gracehudsonmuseum.org/new-events)
27 MAY 2022 — friday
- Poetry at Bell Arts presents a reading by poet and translator Gail Wronsky, Under the Capsized Boat We Fly: New and Selected Poems, and Feugos Florales/Flowering Fires, a translation of poems by Argentinean poet Alicia Partnoy, and Enid Osborn, Poet Laureate of Santa Barbara in 2017-2019, author of When the Big Wind Comes, followed by an open mic reading, hosted by Jeanette Clough, online via Zoom, and in person, Bell Arts Factory, 432 N. Ventura Avenue, Ventura, free, 6:30 pm PDT (Zoom link here: us02web.zoom.us/j/9607501600)
28 MAY 2022 — saturday
- Beast Crawl presents Poetry Flash as part of their annual literary festival, "Poetry Flash Writers and Readers," featuring Maw Shein Win, Storage Unit for the Spirit House, Heather Bourbeau, Sam Sax, Bury It, and Richard Silberg, associate editor of Poetry Flash, hosted by Joyce Jenkins, editor, Poetry Flash; The Bookmark Bookstore | Friends of the Oakland Public Library, 721 Washington Street, Oakland, free, Leg 1 at 4:00 pm sharp, (More information here, including a map: www.beastcrawl.org/blog/poetry-flash)
- Beast Crawl, Oakland's free annual literary festival, celebrates its tenth year with one afternoon and evening of numerous readings and performances in downtown Oakland, showcasing diverse and talented writers who are connected to the East Bay, begins with Leg 1 at 4:00 pm, featuring readings by Poetry Flash, Milvia Street Journal, J de Salvo Open Mic, and "Julia Vinograd: Between Spirit and Stone"; Leg 2 at 5:30 pm, features Colossus Press, Reginald Lockett Open Mic, Bi The Way, AfroSurreal Writers, "West Oakland to West Africa," and the Oakland Slam; Leg 3 at 7:00 pm, features Hydra, La Palabra Musical, Throwback Special, Paper Press, and Fierce Words: All Gender Event; Beast Crawl ends with Leg 4 at 8:30 pm, an afterparty at Binny's, 532 8th Street, where everyone can meet up and celebrate the crawl, Oakland, free, 4:00 pm-9:30 pm PDT (More information here, including a map of the crawl: www.beastcrawl.org)
- Fourth Sundays: Poetry at the Claremont Library presents a reading with editor and poet Elena Karina Byrne, If This Makes You Nervous, No Don't, and poet Daniel Romo, Moonlighting as an Avalanche, Apologies in Reverse, Claremont Helen Renwick Library, 208 N. Harvard Avenue N., Claremont, free, 2:00-3:30 pm PDT (More information here: www.facebook.com/fourthsundayspoetry)
- Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents feminist performance artist and poet Gabrielle Civil, a 2019 Rema Hort Mann LA Emerging Artist, author of (ghost gestures) and Experiments in Joy, celebrating her latest black feminist performance memoir, the déjà vu, a dynamic blend of reading and storytelling, movement and image, black dreams and black time, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 7:00-10:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org/calendar.html)
- Point Reyes Books and the Point Reyes National Seashore Association present a reading and walk to celebrate the release of The Coasts of California by painter, poet and naturalist Obi Kaufmann, The California Field Atlas, San Francisco Chronicle Best Seller; the event features a walk along the Coast and Laguna Trail loop, about 4.6 miles, led by Kaufmann, and will be followed by a book signing, begins at the Clem Miller Environmental Education Center, Limantour Spit Road, Point Reyes Station, all proceeds benefit the Point Reyes National Seashore Association, $100, tickets include a copy of the book, 11:00 am PDT (Purchase tickets here: www.eventbrite.com/e/point-reyes-books-and-prnsa-present-obi-kaufmann-tickets-335043121997?mc_cid=16726888b6&mc_eid=e6293c41ae)
- Medicine for Nightmares presents a reading with poet Roberto Tinoco Duran, Darkspark, Maximum in Minimum, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore and Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, 7:30-9:00 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
29 MAY 2022 — sunday
- Fabulosa Books presents media psychology scholar and novelist Carlos Allende, Cuadrillas y Contradanzas, discussing his new book, Coffee, Shopping, Murder, Love, following the madcap adventures of two gay men, set in Los Angeles one year before same-sex marriage was legalized, in conversation with poet James Siegel, The God of San Francisco, Fabulosa Books, 489 Castro Street, San Francisco, free, 6:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.fabulosabooks.com/eventsart.html)
- Los Angeles Poet Society presents the Always Running Book Festival, a celebration of resilience and the power of literature, inspired by the best-selling memoir Always Running by poet Luis J. Rodriguez, come for music, poetry, small presses, book signing, and special performances by Luis J. Rodriguez, fire dancer Zariyah, Kesau'C Hill, DJ Groover, Iris De Anda, Felicia Taylor E, Brenda Vaca, Fernando Salinas, Cesar Avelar, contributors to Acid Verse Vol 2: The Earth Beneath our Feet, Juan Flautista, and more, with support and guests including Pacoima Public Library, California Poets in the Schools, FlowerSong Press, World Stage Press, Tia Chucha's Pop-Up Bookstore and Tia Chucha Press, Los Angeles Poet Society Press, Fusion LA, Tea Tree Tears, Poets & Writers, Luis J. Rodriguez 4 Governor, Radio Ollin, and Pacoima Urban Village, free, in person, in front of "La Vecindad" a mural by Levi Ponce at Laurel Canyon Blvd. and Van Nuys Blvd., 10335 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Pacoima, Noon-5:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.lapoetsociety.org)
- Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center presents the workshop "Navigating With(out) Instruments," led by author and performer traci kato-kiriyama, based on their book of the same name, the workshop focuses on themes of memory and belonging, and the soul-baring that comes with the creative process, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, $65 for members, $75 general admission, Noon-4:00 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here: www.eventbrite.com/e/navigating-without-instruments-a-workshop-with-traci-kato-kiriyama-tickets-313785921137?aff=ebdsoporgprofile)
- Come join Sonoma County Poets for a reading, featuring Phyllis Meshulam, Doll, Moon, Larry Robinson, Roll Away the Stone, Vilma Ginzberg, Colors of Glass, David Seter, Don't Sing to Me of Electric Fences, Marvin Hiemstra, Poet Wrangler, and Brian Martens, Three Raven Gate, with Steve Shain on bass, hosted by poet Ed Coletti, in person, Café Frida, 300 S. A Street, Santa Rosa, free, 3:00-5:00 pm PDT
- Small Press Traffic presents a talk about the life and work of poet Joanne Kyger (1934-2017), a prolific writer of poetry and prose associated with the San Francisco Renaissance and the Beat Generation, the talk will be led by poet Cedar Sigo, All This Time, reading from Kyger's poetry and letters, and discussing their collaborative work in editing There You Are. Interviews, Journals & Ephemera, and ending with an open discussion of her work, online via Zoom, free, 11:00 am PDT (RSVP to attend: www.smallpresstraffic.org/upcomingevents/joanne-kyger-cedar-sigo)
30 MAY 2022 — monday
- Medicine for Nightmares presents short story writer and essayist Jackson Bliss, winner of the 2020 Noemi Book Award for Prose, author of Counterfactual Love Stories & Other Experiments and the forthcoming experimental memoir Dream Pop Origami, in conversation with fiction writer Jonathan Escoffery, Play Stone Kill Bird, in person, Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore and Gallery, 3036 24th Street, San Francisco, free, 6:30-8:00 pm PDT (More information here: medicinefornightmares.com/events)
31 MAY 2022 — tuesday
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