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29 JANUARY 2023 — sunday

  • Occidental Center for the Arts presents Sonoma County Poet Laureate Elizabeth Herron, Desire Being Full of Grace, celebrating her new collection, In the Cities of Sleep, followed by Q&A and book signing, Occidental Center for the Arts, 3850 Doris Murphy Court, Occidental, free, donations welcome, 2:00-4:00 pm PST (More information here:
  • Skylight Books presents poet and performance artist Linda Ravenswood, The Stan Poems, reading and discussing her new book, Cantadora: Letters from California, a collection of forty-four hybrid texts that read as maps, diary entries, dream fragments, and lists, spanning the 500+ years from the Spanish Conquest of Mexico to the present day, Skylight Books,1818 N. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, free, 5:00 pm PST (More information here:
  • Village Poets of Sunland-Tujunga presents a reading by poets Sharmagne Leland St. John, A Raga for George Harrison, The Trip, and William Scott Galasso, Saffron Skies, Bolton Hall Museum, 10110 Commerce Avenue, Tujunga, Los Angeles, free, 4:30 pm PST (More information here:

30 JANUARY 2023 — monday

31 JANUARY 2023 — tuesday

  • Cobalt Poets presents a reading featuring poet and essayist Darius Atefat-Peckham, How Many Love Poems, with open mic to follow, online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PST (Register to attend:
  • City Lights Books presents nonfiction writer Thomas Crow, The Long March of Pop: Art, Music, and Design, 1930-1995, discussing his new book, The Artist in the Counterculture: Bruce Conner to Mike Kelley and Other Tales from the Edge, examining the influence of West Coast artists on California's counterculture of the 1960s to 1980s, in conversation with art historian Carrie Lambert-Beatty, online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PST (Register to attend:

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