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17 JUNE 2023 — saturday
- Come celebrate Hi-Desert Pride with the Desert Split Open Mic reading, share beautiful and bold words from LGBTQ+ writers, either your own or a writer you admire, six-minutes per reader, Beatnik Lounge, 61597 29 Palms Hwy, Joshua Tree, free, 5:00 pm-7:00 pm PDT (More information here: susanrukeyser.com/the-desert-split-open)
- Green Apple Books and San Francisco Botanical Garden present "Books on the Garden, In Our Nature: Queer Work in the Garden," featuring poets Amanda Gunn, Dan Lau, Lauren Parker, Dena Roda, sam sax, and Mimi Tempestt, a Pride Month reading celebrating the rich and beautiful intersection of nature and queer identity, Garden of Fragrance, San Francisco Botanical Garden, 1199 9th Avenue, San Francisco, free, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm PDT (More information here: www.greenapplebooks.com)
- SOLD OUT: Beyond Baroque presents Susan Hayden, host of the award-winning monthly literary series Library Girl, celebrating the launch of her new book, Now You Are a Missing Person, a lyrical memoir about the disappearing landscape of the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles, and how they influenced her life and writing, joined in reading by poets S.A. Griffin, Pandemic Soul Music, and Michael C Ford, Populated Wilderness, and musical performance by The Prickly Pair, an angsty Americana duo consisting of Irene Greene and Mason Summit, book signing to follow the reading, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, 7:00-8:30 pm PDT (More information here: www.beyondbaroque.org)
- Marin Poetry Center presents their Summer Traveling Show 2023, featuring poets Dotty LeMieux, Tamam Kahn, Katherine Crawford, Raphael Block, Patricia Nelson, Francesca Bell, Jeanne Santangelo and MPC Youth Ambassador Cade Palmer, hosted by Maxine Flasher-Düzgüneş, Novato Library, 1720 Novato Blvd., Novato, free, 2:00 pm-3:00 pm PDT (More information here: marinpoetrycenter.org)
- Saint Mary's College of California Creative Writing Program presents the "Odes to Our Undoing Reading Series," celebrating Odes to Our Undoing: Writers Reflecting on Crisis, an anthology conceived and edited by MFA students during the height of the pandemic, featuring Siavash Saadlou, Carol Dorf, Julie L. Moore, Klein Voorhees, Maya Alexandria, L.A. Johnson, and Elizabeth Riley, Zoom, free, 5:00 pm-6:30 pm PDT (More information here: tinyurl.com/SMCMFA-odes-to-our-undoing)
- 3rd Saturday Poetry features a reading by Nina Serrano and Scott Bird, plus open mic, Clarion Performing Arts Center, 2 Waverly Place, Chinatown neighborhood, San Francisco, 1:00 pm-3:00 pm PDT (www.theclarionsf.org)
18 JUNE 2023 — sunday
- The San Francisco Public Library presents historian Louis Niebur, Special Sound: The Creation and Legacy of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, discussing his new book, Menergy: San Francisco's Gay Disco Sound, which follows the birth of high energy dance music in San Francisco's Castro neighborhood and its influence on gay liberation, in conversation with sociologist James Gamson, Modern Families: Stories of Extraordinary Journeys of Kinship, James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center, San Francisco Public Library, Main Branch, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, free, 2:00-3:00 pm PDT (More information here: sfpl.org/events/2023/06/18/author-louis-niebur-discusses-menergy-san-franciscos-gay-disco-sound)
19 JUNE 2023 — monday
20 JUNE 2023 — tuesday
- Cobalt Poets presents a reading with featured poet Elyse Hart, Poems for Squares, followed by an open mic, online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/calendar.html)
- The San Francisco Public Library presents Zinething, a monthly LGBTQ zine-making meetup, come to make and learn about zines, co-presented by SF Zine Fest and the Hormel LGTQIA Center, open to new and experienced zine-makers, every third Tuesday of the month, Martin Paley Conference Room, San Francisco Public Library, Main Branch, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, free, 6:00-7:30 pm PDT (More information here: sfpl.org/events/2023/06/20/activity-zinething)
21 JUNE 2023 — wednesday
22 JUNE 2023 — thursday
- Poetry Flash presents a reading celebrating the publication of Bert Meyers: On the Life and Work of an American Master, readers include poets Eric Gudas, David Shaddock, and Anat Silvera, the poet's daughter, in person, Art House Gallery & Cultural Center, 2905 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, two blocks north of Ashby BART, refreshments, free, 7:00 pm PDT (poetryflash.org).
- Beyond Baroque presents a reading by Sun & Moon Press authors, featuring Rebecca Goodman, Forgotten Night, Wendy Walker, The Camperdown Elm, Stacey Levine, The Girl with Brown Fur, and Martin Nakell, Consciousness, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 8:00 pm-9:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.beyondbaroque.org)
- Green Apple Books, in partnership with the Center for the Art of Translation, presents novelist Dorothy Tse, celebrating the English language release of her novel Owlish, a stunning exploration of life under an oppressive regime, joined by Natascha Bruce, who translated the book from the Chinese, Green Apple Books on the Park, 1231 9th Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.greenapplebooks.com/event/9th-ave-dorothy-tse-natascha-bruce)
23 JUNE 2023 — friday
- Beyond Baroque presents poet Alice Fulmer, celebrating her debut collection, Faunalia, joined by poets jimmy vega and Doris Rubio, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 8:00 pm PDT (More information here: www.beyondbaroque.org)
24 JUNE 2023 — saturday
- Beyond Baroque presents "Pyroclastic Divination," a reading with poets Madhur Anand, Parasitic Observations, and Will Alexander, Divine Blue Light, both will read new and selected work, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 2:00 pm-4:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org)
- "A Bert Meyers Tribute," part of Fourth Saturdays: Poetry at the Claremont Library, the reading, by poets Amy Gerstler, co-editor Dana Levin, Maurya Simon, and Bert Meyer's son Daniel Meyers, celebrates the publication of Bert Meyers: On the Life and Work of an American Master, edited by Dana Levin and Adele Elise Williams, Claremont Helen Renwick Public Library, 208 N. Harvard Avenue, Claremont, 2:00 pm PDT (909/621-4902, lacountylibrary.org/claremont-library)
- Marin Poetry Center presents their Summer Traveling Show 2023, featuring poets Robin Lee, Lucia Coppola, Kimberly Nunes, Karen Poppy, Dave Holt, Linda Enders, Carol Griffin, Sandy White, Elaine Fletcher Chapman, Sandy Scull, hosted by Dotty LeMieux,
- Saint Mary's College of California Creative Writing Program presents the "Odes to Our Undoing Reading Series," celebrating Odes to Our Undoing: Writers Reflecting on Crisis, an anthology conceived and edited by students in the MFA program during the height of the pandemic, readers to be announced, Zoom, free, 5:00 pm-6:30 pm PDT (More information here: tinyurl.com/SMCMFA-odes-to-our-undoing)
25 JUNE 2023 — sunday
- Poetry Flash presents a reading by Gail Rudd Entrekin, Walking Each Other Home, and Elizabeth C. Herron, In the Cities of Sleep, in person, Art House Gallery & Cultural Center, 2905 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, two blocks north of Ashby BART, free, 3:00 pm PDT (poetryflash.org).
- Village Poets presents a reading by poets Lois P. Jones, Night Ladder, finalist for the Julie Suk Award and the Lascaux Poetry Prize, and William O'Daly, The New Gods, with two open mic segments, Bolton Hall Museum, 10110 Commerce Ave, Tujunga, Los Angeles, suggested donation of $5 per person, 4:30 pm PDT (More information here: villagepoets.blogspot.com)
- Beyond Baroque presents "Bert Meyers: On the Life and Work of an American Master," featured readers include Dana Levin, Adele Williams, Ari Sherman, and Bert Meyers's son Daniel Meyers, register through Eventbrite, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, free, 2:00 pm-4:00 pm PDT (More information here: beyondbaroque.org)
- LA Artcore presents "Water Remembers," a poetry performance featuring artist and poet Cindy Rinne, The Feather Ladder, joined by poets Toti O'Brien, Pages of a Broken Diary, Lois P. Jones, Night Ladder, William O'Daly, The New Gods, Alicia Viguer-Espert, Out of the Blue Womb of the Sea, and Thelma T. Reyna, Dearest Papa: A Memoir in Poems, LA Artcore, 120 Judge John Aiso Street, Los Angeles, free, Noon-1:30 pm PDT (More information here: laartcore.org)
- Poetry at Bell Arts presents a reading by Jan Wesley, Only So Much, and Alís Morris Soto, the undoing, followed by an open mic, hosted by Jeanette Clough, Bell Arts Factory, 432 N. Ventura Avenue, Ventura, and online via Zoom, free, 4:00 pm PDT (Zoom link here: us02web.zoom.us/j/9607501600)
26 JUNE 2023 — monday
27 JUNE 2023 — tuesday
- Poetry reading by Sean Colletti, Saeculum and Caleigh Tupy, followed by an open mic, hosted by Phil Taggart, EP Foster Library, 651 E. Main Street, Ventura, and online via Zoom, free, 6:30 pm PDT (Zoom link here: us02web.zoom.us/j/9607501600)
- Cobalt Poets presents a reading with featured poet David Judah Oliver, inaugural Poet Laureate of Pomona, followed by an open mic, online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.poetrysuperhighway.com/cobalt/calendar.html)
- A special poetry reading by Jerry Garcia, Trumpets in the Sky, and Fernando Salinas, Toxic Masculinity, part of Harry's Poetry Hour, hosted by acclaimed actor and poet Harry Northup, online via Zoom, free, 1:00 pm PDT (Zoom link here: mptf.zoom.us/j/86032964290?pwd=UjNSMnhJMjNQekVZcHV1WUpacDJLdz09)
- Beyond Baroque presents "Begin at the Palace of Zero," an reading with featured poets Dana Levin, Now Do You Know Where You Are, F. Douglas Brown, ICON, and Natalie Graham, Poet Laureate of Orange County and author of Begin with a Failed Body, all three will read from recent collections and new work, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 8:00 pm PDT (Register to attend: www.beyondbaroque.org)
28 JUNE 2023 — wednesday
- Skylight Books presents "Bert Meyers: On the Life and Work of an American Master," featured readers include Dana Levin, Victoria Chang, Amy Gerstler, and Bert Meyers's son Daniel Meyers, Skylight Books, 1818 N. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here: skylightbooks.com)
29 JUNE 2023 — thursday
- Bird & Beckett presents a reading with featured poets Angie Minkin, Balm for the Living, Kevin Dublin, Eulogy: A Poem Composed While Feeding My Father During Gunsmoke, Heather Saunders Estes, All In Measure: A Book of Hours 2020-2022, and Robin Michel, Beneath a Strawberry Night Sky, forthcoming from Raven & Wren Press, with special guest Magic Dan, Bird & Beckett Books and Records, 653 Chenery Street, San Francisco, free, 7:30 pm PDT (More information here: birdbeckett.com)
30 JUNE 2023 — friday
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