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31 MARCH 2024 — sunday
- Photographer and filmmaker Christopher Felver's new exhibition, "Whole Shebang," presents "Poets, Reflections, & Films: A Beat Generation Happening," a panel with Joyce Jenkins, Poetry Flash; archivist, poet, and photographer Tate Swindell, co-editor of Collected Poems of Bob Kaufman, and Matthias Ruecker; the panel will discuss the beat movement started by a group of authors whose work explored and influenced American culture and politics in the post-World War II era, in conjunction with Felver's exhibit, featuring the photographs of celebrated writers, artists, and musicians; the show is open to the public until April 14; Sausalito Center for the Arts, 750 Bridgeway, Sausalito, $10 suggested donation, 4:00-7:00 pm PDT (For more information, visit: www.sausalitocenterforthearts.org)
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