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1 AUGUST 2015 — saturday
2 AUGUST 2015 — sunday
CENTRAL:- Poetry Flash presents a celebration for Corners of the Mouth: A Celebration of Thirty Years at the Annual San Luis Obispo Poetry Festival featuring Editors Kevin Patrick Sullivan and Patti Sullivan, who will also read at the event, with a reading by contributing poets Jasmine Marshall Armstrong, Sharon Doubiago, Paul Fericano, Sandra M. Gilbert, Valentina Gnup, Klipschutz, Brenda Nasio, Sam Pereira, Lee Rossi, Viola Weinberg, Nellie Wong, and R. Yurman, request ASL interpreters one week in advance from editor@poetryflash.org, wheelchair accessible, Diesel, A Bookstore, 5433 College Avenue, Oakland, 3:00 (510/653-9965, dieselbookstore.com)
3 AUGUST 2015 — monday
CENTRAL:- Poetry Express presents Sonoma County Poet Laureate Emeritus Bill Vartnaw, open mic follows, hosted by Jan Dedrick, Himalayan Flavors, 1585 University Avenue, Berkeley, 7:00-9:00 (PoetryExpress@gmail.com, poetryexpressberkeley.blogspot.com)
4 AUGUST 2015 — tuesday
NORTH:- Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show presents a poetry reading by Sy Margaret Baldwin, Dave Holt, Jodi L. Hottel, Bonnie Long, and Phyllis H. Meshulam, hosted by Mark Meierding, The Apple Box, 224 B Street, Petaluma, 7:00 (www.marinpoetrycenter.org)
5 AUGUST 2015 — wednesday
CENTRAL:- Poetry reading by Bill Mayer, A Truce With Fantasy, and Anita Barrows, Exile, Pegasus Books Downtown, 2349 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (www.pegasusbookstore.com)
6 AUGUST 2015 — thursday
CENTRAL:- Premiere of Anthony Brown's Asian American Orchestra's piece 1945: The Year of Infamy, dedicated to the victims of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Fukushima, with full jazz orchestra, taiko, bata, and conga drums, guests from VOAD (Voices of the African Diaspora), poets Janice Mirikitani and Genny Lim, in conjunction with the exhibit, 28 Chinese, The Asian Art Museum, Samsung Hall, 200 Larkin Street, San Francisco, free with admission to the museum, 7:00 (www.asianart.org)
- Poetry Flash presents a reading by Marc Elihu Hofstadter and Daniel Marlin, request ASL interpreters one week in advance from editor@poetryflash.org, wheelchair accessible, Moe's Books, 2476 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (510/849-2087, www.moesbooks.com)
- San Francisco's premier literary erotic fanfiction night, six authors destroy six notable characters from a Great Book, featuring Alan Leggitt, Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Whitney Miller, Joe Wadlington, Gabriel Cubbage, and Alitzah Oros, hosted by Baruch Porras-Hernandez, The Booksmith, 1644 Haight Street, San Francisco. $12 door/$10 advance tickets online, 7:00 (tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/1691513)
NORTH:- Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show presents a poetry reading by Rose Black, Donna Emerson, Ken Haas, Janet Jennings, Patricia McCaron, hosted by C. B. Follett, Larkspur Library, 400 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur, 7:00 (www.marinpoetrycenter.org)
SOUTH:- Paula McLain reads from her new novel, Circling the Sun, with Meg Waite Clayton, Kepler's Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, 7:30 (www.keplers.com)
7 AUGUST 2015 — friday
CENTRAL:- Crow Show host Paul Corman-Roberts leads the open mic, with featured readers Emily Epstein White, Chris Chandler, Yume Kim, and Steve Arntson, The Octopus Literary Salon, 2101 Webster Street #170, Oakland, 7:00
- Bay Area Public Public School presents the Heart's Desire Reading Series, featuring a reading by poets Yosefa Raz, Barbara Jane Reyes, and Sarah Rosenthal, Omni Oakland Commons, 4799 Shattuck Avenue, Oakland, 7:00
8 AUGUST 2015 — saturday
CENTRAL:- Bay Area Poetry Marathon presents poets Elana Chavez, Madison Davis, Rob Halpern, Geraldine Kim, Tessa Micaela, Monica Mody, Maisha Quint, and Cosmo Spinosa, guest curator Zoe Tuck, Artists' Television Access, 992 Valencia Street, San Francisco, 7:30 (bayareapoetrymarathon.net)
- The Featherboard Writing Series presents poets Kevin Killian, Hazel White, and Writer-in-Residence Cristiana Kyung-Hye Baik, Aggregate Gallery, 801 West Grand Avenue, Oakland, doors open 5:45, reading 6:15 (featherboard.wordpress.com)
- Spoken word artists Stephen Leeper and Audacious I Am perform, music by Melissa Jones and John Givens, Nomadic Press, 2926 Foothill Boulevard, Oakland, donation/no one turned away for lack of funds, 7:00-9:00 (www.nomadicpress.org)
- Poetry at the Pottery, featuring Terry Lucas, Tayve Neese, and Emeryville Poet Laureate Sarah Kobrinsky, inaugural reading in the new series location, Jered's Pottery, 867 South Richmond Street, Richmond, 7:00 (www.jeredspottery.com/event/poetry-pottery)
9 AUGUST 2015 — sunday
CENTRAL:- Jane Juska reads from her debut novel Mrs. Bennett Has Her Say, a story based on Jane Austen's Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Dalloway's Literary and Garden Arts, 2904 College Avenue, Berkeley, 4:00 (510/704-8222, www.mrsdalloways.com)
- Valona Deli presents a poetry reading by Kevin Patrick Sullivan, Under Such Brilliance, and Patrice Vecchione, Step into Nature: Nurturing Imagination and Spirit in Everyday Life, open mic follows, hosted by Connie Post, Terry Henry Jazz Trio performs after poetry, Valona Deli, 1323 Pomona Street, Crockett, reading 4:00, open mic 5:00 (510/787-2022)
NORTH:- Kate Schatz and illustrator Miriam Klein Stahl present Rad American Women A-Z, their book of famous and unsung American heroines for grades 3-8, Northtown Books, 957 H Street, Arcata, 3:00 (707/822-2834, www.northtownbooks.com)
10 AUGUST 2015 — monday
CENTRAL:- Poetry Express presents bilingual poet and multi-instrumentalist Avotcja, open mic follows, hosted by Jim Bernard, Himalayan Flavors, 1585 University Avenue, Berkeley, 7:00-9:00 (PoetryExpress@gmail.com, poetryexpressberkeley.blogspot.com)
11 AUGUST 2015 — tuesday
NORTH:- Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show presents a poetry reading by Robin Leslie Jacobson, Kate Peper, Cathryn Shea, Joe Zaccardi, hosted by Sandy Scull, Fairfax Library, 2097 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, Fairfax, 7:00 (www.marinpoetrycenter.org)
SOUTH:- Meg Waite Clayton reads from her new novel, The Race for Paris, Kepler's Books, 1010 El Camino Real, 7:30 (www.keplers.com)
12 AUGUST 2015 — wednesday
NORTH:- Phil Cousineau reads from and signs his new collection of travel stories, The Book of Roads, Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, 7:00 (www.bookpassage.com)
13 AUGUST 2015 — thursday
CENTRAL:- The Poetry Circle is a participation-based reading, bring original work or poems from any person, period, and place, Claremont Branch Library, 2940 Benvenue Avenue, Berkeley, 6:30 (510/981-6820, www. berkeleypubliclibrary.org/events/poetry-circle-claremont)
- Thursdays at Readers Poetry Series presents Garrett Murphy and Lorna Dee Cervantes, Reader's Bookstore, Building C, Room 165, Fort Mason Center, off Marina Blvd. at Buchanan Street, San Francisco, 6:30-8:00 (415/771-1076, www.friendssfpl.org/?Events)
- "Babar in Exile 2," relive early 1990s San Francisco and the legendary Café Babar open mic with co-hosts Richard Loranger and Paul Corman-Roberts, with featured poets Julia Vinograd, David Gollub, Kathleen Wood, and Mk Chavez, The Octopus Literary Salon, 2101 Webster Street #170, Oakland, 7:00 (510/388-1043, oaklandoctopus.org)
NORTH:- Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show presents a poetry reading by Katherine Crawford, Marie Henry, Lisa Robertson, J.L. Nichols, Janis Seagrave, Margaret Stawowy, hosted by Mark Meierding, Copperfield's Books, 850 Fourth Avenue, San Rafael, 7:00 (www.marinpoetrycenter.org)
14 AUGUST 2015 — friday
CENTRAL:- Last Word Reading Series presents a poetry reading by Ivan Argüelles, Duo Poemata, and Andrew Joron, Trance Archive: New and Selected Poems, plus open reading, co-hosts are Dale Jensen, Ralph Dranow, John Rowe, and Grace Grafton, Nefeli Caffe, 1854 Euclid Avenue, north of Hearst, Berkeley, free but a one-drink or one-plate minimum is requested, 7:00-9:00 (Caffe: 510/841-6374)
- Poetry reading by Joy Elán Sledge, Silence Is Not Always Golden: A Poetic Revolution, and Patrick Newson, music by T.B.D., Nomadic Press, 2926 Foothill Boulevard, Oakland, donation/no one turned away for lack of funds, 7:00-9:00 (www.nomadicpress.org)
15 AUGUST 2015 — saturday
CENTRAL:- CANCELED: Alta Solano Lit Out Loud monthly series presents a poetry reading by Jeanne Lupton and John Oliver Simon, an open mic opens the evening, hosted by Jannie Dresser, Folk & Fine Art Gallery, 1861-A Solano Avenue, Berkeley, $5-$10 sliding scale, no one turned away for lack of funds, 7:30-9:00 (janniedres@att.net, www.folkandfineart.com)
NORTH:- Stephen Kessler reads from his two new books, Where Was I?, a memoir collection of prose poetry, and Forbidden Treasures: New Selected Poems 1924-1949, his translation of poems by Luis Cernuda, Four-Eyed Frog Books, 39138 Ocean Drive, Gualala, 4:00 (www.foureyedfrog.com)
16 AUGUST 2015 — sunday
SOUTH:- Kate Schatz and illustrator Miriam Klein Stahl present Rad American Women A-Z, their book of famous and unsung American heroines for grades 3-8, Henry Miller Memorial Library, 48603 Highway One, Big Sur, 4:00 pm, free, www.henrymiller.org
17 AUGUST 2015 — monday
CENTRAL:- Poetry Express presents an evening with Phoenix Fire (Phavia Kujichagulia, Robert Woods, and Lige Dailey) reading from their new book An Elephant in the Room, plus open mic, hosted by Bruce Bagnell, Himalayan Flavors, 1585 University Avenue, Berkeley, 7:00-9:00 (PoetryExpress@gmail.com, poetryexpressberkeley.blogspot.com)
18 AUGUST 2015 — tuesday
CENTRAL:- Nomadic Press Get Lit presents twenty writers reading never-before-read material such as rough drafts/debuts within a three-minute time limit, emcee T.B.D., music by T.B.D. and DJ T.B., food truck and craft beer made on site, Ale Industries, 3096 E. 10th Street, Oakland, donation/no one turned away for lack of funds, 7:00-9:00 (www.nomadicpress.org)
- Tribute reading for novelist Ivan Doigm who passed away on April 9, 2015; guest readers include Hut Landon, Andy Weiner, Janis Cooke Newman, and Cyra McFadden in a reading from his final work, Last Bus to Wisdom, Book Passage, 1 Ferry Building, San Francisco, 6:00 (415/835-1020, www.bookpassage.com)
NORTH:- Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show presents a poetry reading by Melanie Maier, Gini Savage, Charlotte Schmid, Carol Sheldon, Mark Meierding, hosted by Barbara Brooks, Belvedere-Tiburon Library, 1501 Tiburon Boulevard, Tiburon, 6:30 (www.marinpoetrycenter.org)
19 AUGUST 2015 — wednesday
CENTRAL:- Lyrics & Dirges fifth anniversary reading, hosted by Mk Chavez and Sharon Coleman, features poets and writers Allie Marini, Vernon Keeve III, Maisha Z. Johnson, Joshua Kent Fowler, Peter Bullen, and Brynn Saito, free refreshments, and two bookstore cats, Pegasus Books Downtown, 2349 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (510/649-1320, www.pegasusbookstore.com)
SOUTH:- Natalie Diaz, a Mojave poet and advocate for the preservation of the Mojave language, leads a poetry workshop, hosted by Ellen Bass, Santa Cruz, $185, $50 of registration fee non-refundable, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 (sign up by emailing Jen Petras at jpeachtree@yahoo.com, make checks payable to Ellen Bass and send to Jen Petras at 249 West Park Boulevard, Medina, OH 44256, www.ellenbass.com)
20 AUGUST 2015 — thursday
CENTRAL:- Thursdays at Readers Poetry Series presents Jennifer Barone and Micah Ballard, Reader's Bookstore, Building C, Room 165, Fort Mason Center, off Marina Blvd. at Buchanan Street, San Francisco, 6:30-8:00, 415-771-1076 http://www.friendssfpl.org (415/771-1076, www.friendssfpl.org/?Events)
- Phil Cousineau reads from and signs his new collection of travel stories, The Book of Roads, Books Inc., Opera Plaza, 601 Van Ness, San Francisco, 7:00 (415/776-1111, www.booksinc.net)
- Carolina De Robertis, The Gods of Tango, and Parnaz Foroutan, The Girl from the Garden, read from their new novels, Mrs. Dalloway's Literary & Garden Arts, 2904 College Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (510/704-8222, www.mrsdalloways.com)
NORTH:- Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show presents a poetry reading by Lucille Lang Day, Richard Michael Levine, Susan Zerner, Doreen Stock, Martin Roy Hickel, Stephanie Moore, hosted by Roy Mash, Rebound Bookstore, 1611 Fourth Street, San Rafael, 7:00 (www.marinpoetrycenter.org)
21 AUGUST 2015 — friday
CENTRAL:- Poet and prose writer Daphne Gottlieb reads from her new collection of short stories, Pretty Much Dead, music by Annah Anti-Palindrome, Nomadic Press, 2926 Foothill Boulevard, Oakland, donation/no one turned away for lack of funds, 7:00-9:00 (www.nomadicpress.org)
- Phillip Hoose reads from The Boys Who Challenged Hitler: Knud Pedersen and the Churchhill Club, a true story of a group of boy resistance fighters during the Denmark occupation, Mrs. Dalloway's Literary & Garden Arts, 2904 College Avenue, Berkeley, 7:30 (510/704-8222, www.mrsdalloways.com)
- Expressions Gallery presents a reading by featured poets Dale Jensen, Yew Nork and Judy Wells, The Glass Ship, open reading follows the featured readers, event rescheduled from July 17, Expressions Gallery, 2035 Ashby Avenue, Berkeley, 7:00 (510/644-4930, www.expressionsgallery.org)
22 AUGUST 2015 — saturday
SOUTH:- Poetry Center San José features Poetry and Visual Art with poet Nils Peterson and visual artist Lorraine Capparell, with a presentation and reading on the result of their month long collaborative project on the elements of earth, air, fire, and water through poetry and watercolor, bring your own bag lunch, wine and soft drinks provided, The Empire House at History Park, 1650 Senter Road, San Jose, free, 1:30-2:30 (www.pcsj.org)
23 AUGUST 2015 — sunday
CENTRAL:- Nomadic Press book release party for I Am Sausal Creek, a children's book by Melissa Reyes, music by T.B.D., Ale Industries, 3096 E. 10 h Street, Oakland, donation/no one turned away for lack of funds, 1:00-3:00 (www.nomadicpress.org)
24 AUGUST 2015 — monday
CENTRAL:- Bay Area Generations presents a reading by sets of two linked poets, William Taylor Jr. and Cybele Zufolo; John Oliver Simon and Emeryville Poet Laureate Sarah Kobrinsky; Garrett Murphy and Nina Serrano; Gabrielle Ray Travis and Benjamin Travis; Anna Dabney and Barb Reynolds, plus musical guest Miles Karp, guest curator Bonnie McManis, to propose a future fifteen-minute reading or performance, see submission guidelines on their website, full bar, Berkeley City Club, 2315 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, $7/$10 includes souvenir chapbook, doors open 7:00, show 7:30 (www.bay areagenerations.com)
- Poetry Express hosts an open reading of your poems prompted by the theme, "What's under the bridge?" Himalayan Flavors, 1585 University Avenue, Berkeley, 7:00-9:00 (PoetryExpress@gmail.com, poetryexpressberkeley.blogspot.com)
25 AUGUST 2015 — tuesday
NORTH:- Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show presents a poetry reading by Catlyn Fendler, Terry Lucas, D. Jayne McPherson, Deborah Ruth, Rhodes Young, hosted by Julia Vose, Falkirk Cultural Center, 1408 Mission Street, San Rafael, 7:00 (www.marinpoetrycenter.org)
26 AUGUST 2015 — wednesday
SOUTH:- Rubber Chicken Poetry Slam and Open Mic presents guests Clark County, Washington Poet Laureate Christopher Luna and Printed Matter Vancouver co-founder Toni Partington, East Village Coffee Lounge, 498 Washington Street, Monterey, free, sign up 7:30, show 8:00 (831/373-5601, www.eastvillagecoffeelounge.com)
27 AUGUST 2015 — thursday
CENTRAL:- Two-Tone Poetry & Jazz CD release party with performance by poets David Meltzer and Julie Rogers with saxophonist Zan Stewart, Clark County, Washington Poet Laureate Christopher Luna, and Printed Matter Vancouver co-founder Toni Partington, Bird & Beckett Books & Records, 653 Chenery Street, Glen Park, San Francisco, 7:00-9:00 (415/586-3733, www.birdbeckett.com)
NORTH:- Marin Poetry Center Traveling Show presents a poetry reading by Calvin Ahlgren, Linda Lancione, Daniel Polikoff, Laurie Reiche, Adrienne Amundsen, hosted by Jean Hawkins Sublett, Mill Valley Library. 375 Throckmorton, Mill Valley, 7:00 (www.marinpoetrycenter.org)
28 AUGUST 2015 — friday
29 AUGUST 2015 — saturday
CENTRAL:- Children's book author Mac Barnett and Christian Robinson, illustrator of several acclaimed children's books, present Leo: A Ghost Story, a reading for ages three and up, Mrs. Dalloway's Literary & Garden Arts, 2904 College Avenue, Berkeley, 4:00 (510/704-8222, www.mrsdalloways.com)
30 AUGUST 2015 — sunday
EAST:- Open Mic Poetry Reading with Livermore Poet Laureate Kevin Gunn, read for up to five minutes of poetry, Alden Lane Nursery, 981 Alden Lane, Livermore, 4:00-5:30 (925/447-0280)
31 AUGUST 2015 — monday
CENTRAL:- Poetry Express hosts "Maverick Night: Read and Imitate," bring a work by a published poet that you love, read it, then read a poem of your own in the style of the poem you just read, Himalayan Flavors, 1585 University Avenue, Berkeley, 7:00-9:00 (PoetryExpress@gmail.com, poetryexpressberkeley.blogspot.com)
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