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16 APRIL 2023 — sunday

  • "Speaking of Survival," a poetry reading and fundraiser hosted by Olney Magazine, features poets Madeleine Barnes, You Do Not Have to Be Good; Avery Guess, The Truth Is; Raegen Pietrucha, Head of a Goron, finalist in the 2022 American Book Fest Awards. Sage Ravenwood, Everything That Hurt Us Becomes a Ghost; Meggie Royer; Lannie Stabile, Good Morning to Everyone Except Men Who Name Their Dogs Zeus; Zoë Fay-Stindt, Bird Body, winner of the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Prize from Cordella Press; and Qiana Towns, all proceeds will benefit Resilience, a nonprofit supporting survivors of sexual assault, online via Zoom, free admission, 1:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • The San Francisco Public Library presents California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick, Scar and Flower, joined in a reading with guest poets Ayodele Nzinga, Oakland Poet Laureate; Linda Noel, James Siegel, How Ghosts Travel; San Francisco Poet Laureate emerita Kim Shuck, What Unseen Thing Blows Wishes Across My Surface?; and current San Francisco Poet Laureate Tongo Eisen-Martin, Blood on the Fog, San Francisco Public Library, Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, free, 1:00-2:30 pm PDT (More information here:

17 APRIL 2023 — monday

  • "The Life of Poetry," a workshop led by poets Ellen Bass, Indigo, and Frank X. Gaspar, A Field Guide to the Heavens, winner of the Brittingham Prize for Poetry, attendees will focus on generating new writing, workshop in small groups, and will share their work in a poetry reading on the final night; this workshop is appropriate for both beginning and experienced poets, online via Zoom, maximum twenty-eight participants, $1750; there are two full scholarships available to Black poets, runs April 17-21 (Enroll here:
  • The Mechanics' Institute presents novelist Thomas Brussig, Helden wie wir [Heroes Like Us], discussing his book, The Short End of the Sonnenallee, the first English translation of the novel, joined in conversation by translator and novelist Jonathan Franzen, Crossroads, Mechanic's Institute, 57 Post Street, San Francisco, $10 for members, $15 general admission, 6:30 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here:
  • Green Apple Books presents Yuri Herrera, Signs Preceding the End of the World, celebrating his latest work, Ten Planets, a collection of fanciful and philosophical science fiction stories by one of Mexico's finest novelists, in conversation with poet and translator Román Luján; the new collection is translated by Lisa Dillman, co-presented by the Center for the Art of Translation, Green Apple Books on the Park, 1231 9th Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here:
  • City Lights Books presents novelist, screenwriter, and playwright Robert Greenfield discussing his new book True West: Sam Shepard's Life, Work, and Times, a biography about American icon, playwright and actor Sam Shepard, City Lights Books, 261 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, and online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:

18 APRIL 2023 — tuesday

  • Cobalt Poets presents a reading with featured poet Shawna + The Light, followed by an open mic, online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • Small Press Traffic presents "Anti-Narrative Arcs," an experimental fiction workshop led by writer and editor Angie Sijun Lou, attendees will explore short stories and novel excerpts that deviate from the traditional conflict-resolution model often found in contemporary American fiction, runs four-Tuesdays, April 18-May 9, sliding scale $80-$200, Et al etc./Et al. books, 2831 Mission Street, San Francisco, 6:30-8:30 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • Women's National Book Association, San Francisco Chapter, celebrates National Poetry Month with a reading by Connie Post, Poet Laureate emeritus of Livermore and author of Between Twilight, her new collection of poems, followed by an open mic, three-minutes per reader, online via Zoom, free, 4:00-5:30 pm PDT (Register to attend:

19 APRIL 2023 — wednesday

  • City Lights Books presents David Mas Masumoto celebrating the publication of his new book Secret Harvests: A Hidden Story of Separation and the Resilience of a Family Farm, a memoir following the journey of Masumoto's discovery of his "lost" aunt, who was separated from his family due to racism and ableism, online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • Sausalito Books by the Bay presents Native American poet Kurt Schweigman (Oglala/Sicangu Lakota) reading from his new book, Confluences of Solitude, a collection on topics that range from comedy to tragedy, family to solitude, taking us from South Dakota, California, and Mexico; Kurt Schweigman formerly published as Luke Warm Water; Sausalito Books by the Bay, 100 Bay Street, Sausalito, free, 6:00 pm PDT (More information here: 415/887-9967,

20 APRIL 2023 — thursday

  • Beyond Baroque presents an evening of prose, with readings by short story writer Peter Cherches, Things, Dennis Callaci, founder of the record label Shrimper and author of the experimental prose collection 100 Cassettes, and memoirist Juanita Mantz, Portrait of a Deputy Public Defender, or how I became a punk rock lawyer, winner of a gold medal at the International Latino Book Awards, book signing to follow the reading, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, 8:00-11:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • The Mechanics' Institute presents a reading by two award-winning poets, Henri Cole, Pierce the Skin, Los Angeles Times Book Prize-winner, and Brenda Hillman, In a Few Minutes Before Later and Extra Hidden Life Among the Days, winner of the 2019 Northern California Book Award, both reading from their latest books, Gravity and Center: Selected Sonnets, 1994-2022 and In a Few Minutes Before Later, with special guest Robert Hass, Time and Materials, winner of the Pulitzer Prize, U.S. Poet Laureate 1995-97, Mechanics' Institute, 57 Post Street, San Francisco, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • Books Inc. presents Irena Smith discussing and reading from her new memoir, The Golden Ticket: A Life in College Admission Essays, an entertaining yet heartbreaking true story told in the form of college admissions essays, Books Inc., 855 El Camino Real #74, Palo Alto, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here:
  • City Lights Books presents poet Matthew Zapruder, Father's Day, readingfrom and discussing his new memoir, Story of a Poem, Kerouac Alley, between Broadway and Grant Avenues, next to City Lights Books, 261 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, 6:00 pm PDT (More information here:
  • The California Institute of Integral Studies presents scholar and author Samira Mehta, Beyond Chrismukkah: The Christian-Jewish Blended Family in America, finalist for the National Jewish Book Award, discussing her latest book, The Racism of People Who Love You: Essays on Mixed Race Belonging, online, pay what you can, suggested price $10, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • Sierra Poetry Festival presents a pop-up event featuring Nevada County Poet Laureate Kirsten Casey hosting a Poetry Happy Hour, treats, poems, prizes, Communal Cafe, 233 Broad Street, Nevada City, free, 5:00-6:00 pm PDT (More information here:

21 APRIL 2023 — friday

  • The Mechanics' Institute presents "The Writers' Lunch: The Birth of a Poem," a discussion on the conception, maturation, and birth of a poem, with featuring poet and novelist Douglas Cole, The White Field, winner of the American Fiction Award, poet and essayist Dr. Jeanne Powell, and poet and translator Chun Yu, Little Green: Growing Up During the Chinese Cultural Revolution, moderated by multidisciplinary writer Sheryl J. Bize-Boutte, Betrayal on the Bayou, online via Zoom, free, Noon-1:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • Litquake presents their annual celebration of National Poetry Month, held under the stained glass of San Francisco's historic Grace Cathedral, attendees can hear James Cagney, Henri Cole, Jewelle Gomez, Jacques Rancourt, and Rachel Zucker read from their latest poetry collections, Grace Cathedral, 1100 California Street, San Francisco, register for free by clicking on the link below, 7:30 pm-9:00 pm PDT (More information here:
  • Sierra Poetry Festival presents a pop-up event, "Mélange Poetry and Visual Art Collaboration," with Artists Liz Collins, Mira Clark, Susan Lobb-Porter, Mark Wilcox, and poets Kirsten Casey, Liz Collins, Maxima Kahn, and Ingrid Keriotis, exhibit runs April 6-May 14, Nevada City Winery Gallery, 321 Spring Street, Nevada City, free to attend, wine available for purchase, 5:00-7:00 pm PDT (More information here:
  • Beyond Baroque presents a reading with poet Jacqueline Osherow, Divine Ratios, and Los Angeles Poet Laureate Lynne Thompson, Fretwork, winner of the 2019 Marsh Hawk Poetry Prize, hosted by David St. John, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free, doors open 7:30 pm, reading starts 8:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • Aurora Theatre Company presents BIPOC Poetry Night, a pre-show reception and reading featuring poets Rafael Jesús González, the inaugural Berkeley Poet Laureate,

22 APRIL 2023 — saturday

  • Sacramento Poetry Alliance presents a poetry reading by Tim Kahl, California Sijo, and Gene Berson, followed by an open mic, Sacramento Poetry Alliance, 1169 Perkins Way, Sacramento, free, 4:00 pm PDT (More information here:
  • Sierra Poetry Festival presents a pop-up event, "Poetic Crossings, Past & Present: San Juan Ridge Poets," honoring poets who either once called San Juan Ridge place home or helped to shape the culture during their time here; each poet will share a bit of history about the poet they are reading, a few poems by the featured poet, and a couple of their own; featured poets and the poets they are celebrating: Laura Pendell (Dale Pendell), Will Staple (Allen Ginsberg), Jacquie Bellon (her own work and history), Jamie Hunyor (Gary Snyder), Susan Suntree (her own work and history), Louis Bluecloud (Peter Bluecloud), Sarah Sparks (Steve Sanfield), Davis Reeves (Nanao Sakaki), and Bishop Randall (Lew Welch), North Columbia Schoolhouse, 17894 Tyler Foote Road, Nevada City, $15 benefits the Schoolhouse and Nevada County Arts Council, 7:00 pm PDT, doors open at 6:00 pm (More information here:
  • Fourth Saturdays presents a reading with featured poets Cynthia Tuell and Ron L. Dowell, Watts UpRise, finalist for the Press 53 Award for Poetry, books will be available for purchase at the event, Claremont Helen Renwick Library, 208 N. Harvard Avenue, Claremont, free, 2:00 pm PDT (More information here:

23 APRIL 2023 — sunday

  • The San Francisco Public Library presents poet Chen Chen, When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities, winner of the Thom Gunn Award, discussing his new collection, Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency, in conversation with poet Sam Herschel Wein, Butt Stuff Flower Bush, forthcoming from Porkbelly Press, online, free, 2:00 pm-3:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • Litquake Literary Festival presents a celebration of Alka Joshi's new novel, The Perfumist of Paris, a benefit for Litquake; she will discuss her work with Lit Camp founder Janis Cooke Newman, at the San Francisco residence of Karyn DiGiorgio and Steve Sattler, tickets are $125.00, include a signed copy of the book, and can be purchased by clicking the link below, 2:00 pm-5:00 pm PDT (More information here:

24 APRIL 2023 — monday

  • Small Press Traffic presents a reading by poets Sara Nicholson, April, and Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge, A Treatise on Stars, finalist for the National Book Award, The Lab, 2948 16th Street, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:

25 APRIL 2023 — tuesday

  • You're Going to Die presents "Meaning Out of Mortality," a writing workshop using writing prompts to examine mortality to create meaning in our day-to-day lives, facilitated by Ned Buskirk, founder and YG2D executive director, and Chelsea Coleman, singer songwriter and YG2D creative director, The Center SF, 548 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, sliding scale $40-120, 7:00 pm-10:00 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here:
  • Cobalt Poets presents a reading by VCP SoCal Poets, with featured poet to be announced, followed by an open mic, online via Zoom, free, 7:30 pm PDT (Register to attend:

26 APRIL 2023 — wednesday

  • City Lights Books presents poet Evan Kennedy, Jerusalem Notebook, celebrating his new collection, Metamorphoses: City Lights Spotlight No. 22, joined in a reading with poet and editor Sophia Dahlin, moderated by Garrett Caples, City Lights poetry editor and curator of the Spotlight Poetry Series, Poetry Room at City Lights Books, 261 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, and online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • Dominican University of California presents a reading by poets Barbara Tomash, PRE-, Joan Baranow, In the Next Life, and Christina Lopez, all reading from new work, Dominican University, Edgehill Mansion, 75 Magnolia Avenue, San Rafael, free, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:

27 APRIL 2023 — thursday

  • Poetry Flash presents "An Evening of Poetry & Memoir," reading and discussion with poet Rose Black, Green Field, and memorist Hannah Sward, Strip, both writers work with Right to Write Press, a nonprofit that supports emerging writers who are incarcerated in California prisons; in-person, Art House Gallery & Cultural Center, 2905 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, two blocks north of Ashby BART, refreshments, free, 7:00 pm PDT (
  • City Lights Books presents poet and translator Katie Farris, A Net to Catch My Body in its Weaving, winner of the 2020 Chad Walsh Poetry Award from Beloit Poetry Journal, reading from her new collection, Standing in the Forest of Being Alive, in conversation with poet Ilya Kaminsky, Deaf Republic, online via Zoom, free, 6:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • Writers Read presents featured poet Molly Fisk, former Poet Laureate of Nevada County, California, and author of The More Difficult Beauty, Naming Your Teeth: Even More Observations from a Working Poet, and more, followed by an open mic reading, free admission, suggested donation of $5, Grace Hudson Museum, 431 South Main Street, Ukiah, 7:00 pm PDT
  • Green Apple Books presents Eugenia Leigh, Blood, Sparrows and Sparrows, winner of the Debulitzer Prize in Poetry, reading from and discussing her new collection, Bianca, in conversation with poet Jennifer S. Cheng, MOON: Letters, Maps, Poems, Tarpaulin Sky Book Prize-winner, Green Apple Books on the Park, 1231 9th Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:00 pm PDT (More information here:
  • Celebrate the launch of poet and critic Dean Rader's new book, Before the Borderless: Dialogues with the Art of Cy Twombly, a collection of Rader's poems side-by-side with the artist Cy Twombly's work, in conversation with Marin Poet Laureate Francesca Bell, Bright Stain, finalist for the Washington State Book Award, Creekside Room, Mill Valley Library, 375 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley, free, 7:00-8:00 pm PDT (Register to attend:
  • Mechanics' Institute presents nonfiction author Nino Strachey, Rooms of Their Own: Eddy Sackville-West, Virginia Woolf, Vita Sackville-West, discussing her latest book, Young Bloomsbury: The Generation that Redefined Love, Freedom, and Self-Expression in 1920s England, about the generation of writers and artists that followed the Bloomsbury Group, a collection of writers and artists that included Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, Lytton Strachey, among others, in conversation with San Francisco State University professor Loretta Stec, online via Zoom, members free, public sliding scale $5-$10, Noon PDT (Register to attend:
  • University of San Francisco Reading Series presents a reading by award-winning poets Arisa White, Who's Your Daddy, and Derek Mong, The Identity Thief, Maraschi Room, Fromm Hall, 2497 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, free, 7:45 pm PST (More information here:

28 APRIL 2023 — friday

  • Beyond Baroque presents the second annual International Poetry Film Festival, Los Angeles, a two-day festival showcasing filmmakers and poets who merge poetry and film, this opening night will host a screening of the documentary One More Step West is the Sea, directed by Thomas Antonic, about the legendary Beat poet ruth weiss, with poet K.R. Morrison reading ruth weiss's poetry accompanied by bassist Christian Camacho, followed by a Q&A with the director moderated by S.A. Griffin, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free for members, $10 early bird price, $20 for single day, $30 for both days, 7:00 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here:

29 APRIL 2023 — saturday

  • Beyond Baroque presents the second annual International Poetry Film Festival, Los Angeles, a two-day festival showcasing filmmakers and poets who merge poetry and film, this second day will screen forty-three international poem-based films, Official Selection of the Poetry Film Festival Los Angeles 2023, screened in the Experimental, Narrative, Animation, Documentary, and Original Score categories, with special guest speakers, Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, 681 Venice Blvd, Venice Beach, Los Angeles, free for members, $10 early bird price, $20 for single day, $30 for both days, Noon PDT (Purchase tickets here:
  • Sacramento Poetry Alliance presents a reading with featured poets Elizabeth Robinson, On Ghosts, finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Award, Randy Prunty, Test Camp, and Alexandra Mattraw, Raw Anyone, followed by an open mic, Sacramento Poetry Alliance, 1169 Perkins Way, Sacramento, free, 4:00 pm PDT
  • Book Passage presents award-winning poet Maggie Smith, Good Bones, discussing her new memoir, You Could Make This Place Beautiful, in conversation with novelist Ingrid Rojas Contreras, Fruit of the Drunken Tree, California Book Awards silver medal winner in First Fiction, Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, and online, $32, ticket includes a copy of the book, 4:00 pm PDT (Purchase tickets here:
  • Sierra Poetry Festival presents a pop-up event, "Poetry in the Park," history, nature, and poetry in a culminating event for National Poetry Month, presented by California State Parks, Sierra Gold Parks Foundation, and Nevada County Arts Council, this celebration also honors California's Arts, Culture and Creativity Month, and features local students and poets reading poems that were inspired by the Empire Mine, Empire Mine Park, 10791 East Empire Street, Grass Valley, $5 entry fee to Park, 2:00-3:30 pm PDT (More information here:

30 APRIL 2023 — sunday

  • American Book Award-winner and Pulitzer Prize-finalist Will Alexander, Divine Blue Light (for John Coltrane): Pocket Poets Series No. 63, and Andrew Joron, writer of experimental poetry and speculative fiction, are featured in a rare poetry reading and concert in the intimacy of a private home, both poets will read, followed by a free improvisation with Will Alexander on grand piano and Andrew Joron on the theremin; this reading/performance will take place in a private Berkeley home with limited seating, 4:00 pm PDT (To attend, email the event host at:
  • "The West Revisits Harlem," Black poets read, featuring Tshaka Campbell, Donté Clark, Meilani Clay, San Francisco Poet Laureate Tongo Eisen-Martin, Blood on the Fog, A'aron Heard, LadiRev, and Landon Smith, San Francisco Public Library, Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco, free, 4:00-5:30 pm PDT (More information here:
  • Alibi Bookshop presents a reading with featured poets Laura Walker, psalmbook, Maw Shein Win, inaugural Poet Laureate of El Cerrito and author of Storage Unit for the Spirit House, and Katie Peterson, Life in a Field, hosted by musician and poet Jeffrey Kingman, On a Road, part of the Vallejo Poetry Festival and National Poetry Month, Alibi Bookshop, 624 Marin Street, Vallejo, free, 1:00 pm PDT (More information here:

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