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Stephen Kessler
Application to Be the Inaugural Poet
Mr. President-elect,
I am a blues-based poet from the blue state of California
eager to heal the bipolar condition of my country
which you have so generously aggravated
with your weavily mendacious and bullet-dodging discourse,
a poetics of dehumanization that will be studied to death
in the English departments, if any, of the future.
If you appoint me to serve as your inaugural poet
I will not disappoint you, will not upstage you, will not
make a spectacle of myself yet will entertain the multitudes
with my cool, cryptopatriotic free verse
declaring independence from your presidency
while celebrating the spectacle of yourself like some monstrous
ego rising out of the East River, a grotesque avatar
of our national self-celebrator Walt Whitman,
a Brooklyn newspaperman and great queer bard of carnal America
who might recognize in you his funhouse image
and whose spirit I will channel in all its promiscuous appetite,
its hunger to devour democracy
one faith-based, low-information, alienated, burn-it-down barbarian at a time
until the deep state is razed and all that remains
is you and your team of mobsters making the nation
an offer it can’t refuse, a horse’s head
in every bed, a Big Mac on every paper plate,
a Diet Coke with deadly sweeteners in every plastic cup
and plenty of ICE. I promise to invoke the immigrants
whose deportation camps you are erecting, the women
whose bodies you have shamelessly abused, the animals
endangered by your indiscriminate drilling, the children
whose assault rifles you have promised to provide
in schools so they can defend themselves against
bad guys with guns and golfers in red baseball caps on the rampage.
My inaugural poem will eschew clichés of phony uplift
while trafficking in your patented brand of carnage,
your brilliantly unstable massacre of language,
your cast of amateurs out of central casting
whose incompetence will prove entertainingly chaotic
for those who can bear to witness their distractions.
Sir, big boss man, like-it-or-not protector, dictator
for a day, I promise to subvert the paradigm
of the presidency, clearing the way for you
to reinvent it in your image with your name in 10-foot gold-plated caps
crowning the White House roof in perpetuity.
Sic semper tyrannis.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Kessler
Stephen Kessler is the author of a dozen books of poetry, sixteen books of literary translation, three collections of essays, and a novel, The Mental Traveler. He is also the editor and principal translator of The Sonnets by Jorge Luis Borges. His translations of Spanish poet Luis Cernuda have received the Harold Morton Landon Translation Award (Academy of American Poets), the PEN Center USA Translation Award, a Lambda Literary Award, and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship. His version of Save Twilight: Selected Poems by Julio Cortázar received a Northern California Book Award. He lives in Santa Cruz, California.
Photo by Joel Leivick, 2021.
— posted January 2025